The First Animaton Was Created
In 1908 a short film animation was created titled, Fantasmagorie. It was created by Émile Cohl. Being in this time it had no words and was silent. -
Faster Production Idea
A man named John Bray found a way to mass produce films, making it easier to release. But everyone he offered to refused his ideas, so he opened up his own business. -
Walt Disney begins his first short studio animated film titled Laugh-O-Grams. Though he has a big name now, back then he did not at the time and his film was unsuccessful. -
Warner Bros. Was Created
The four brothers released their firs film titled, Lights of New York. It gave their business a kick start. -
Steamboat Willie
Walt Disney released another film later but this one was an instant hit. SteamboatWillie was the first animated film to have sound. -
New Methods
Walt Disney made a 3 Strip Developer Technicolor. Not long after Color Box was created by Len Lye getting the idea to paint on the film strips. -
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
The first full length film was released by Walt Disney. The movie runs at 1 hour and 28 minutes. -
Growth of Characters
Many of the films released in this year became hits. Including Fantasia, Pinocchio, and many more