
Animals Space

  • First Animal Sent into Space

    First Animal Sent into Space
    internet citationFruit Flies were sent into space aboard a U.S. V-2 rocket. This was to explore the effect of radiation exposures at high altitudes.
  • First Animal to make it into Space

    First Animal to make it into Space
    Albert II from the U.S. made it afurther compared to Albert I only made it 20-39 miles altitude, but Albert II made it 83 miles. But Albert II died on impact after the parachute failed.
  • Mouse was sent into Space

    Mouse was sent into Space
    A mouse from the U.S. was sent into space aboard the V-2 but the rocket disintegrated because the rocket failed.
  • Two Dogs Carried into Space

    Two Dogs Carried into Space
    Tsygan and Dezik two russian dogs were carried into space but not orbit by the Soviet Union.Both survied flight but one dog would die on a subsequent flight.
  • First Animal into Orbit

    First Animal into Orbit
    The dog Laika was launched aboard the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft. But shortly died on the flight due to technology was not delevoped yet.