Period: 461 BCE to 428
Building of The Parthenon
The Athenians built the Parthenon during the Golden Age. The Parthenon is a temple was built to Honor the Goddess Athena,the patron deity of Athens. It was built during the Age of Pericles who was a general in the Persian wars. The Parthenon showed how the Athenians valued wealth,art, and culture. The temple was decorated with many sculptures that are were important in Greek Mythology. The Parthenon is significant because it represented the culture dominance of Greece during the golden Age. -
Period: 430 BCE to 404 BCE
Pelopennesian Wars
The Peloponnesian Wars were fought between Athens and Sparta, two city states in ancient Greece. The cause of the war was that the Athenians took control of the Delian League,and began to abuse their power. Sparta started to revolt against them, and declared war on Athens. Spartans had the advantage on the land and Athens had the advantage with their navy.The war lasted about 25 years, but in the end Sparta was victorious. At the end of the war, Sparta became the new head of the Delian League. -
Period: 323 to 31
The Hellenistic Age
The Hellenistic Age began after the Death of Alexander the Great. After his death, his generals( the Diadochoi) split the land among themselves. Everyone in the former Alexandrian Empire spoke the same exact language. This allowed people to able to communicate better. Hellenistic Culture also emerged during the era and it was blend of the culture of Greece and countries that Alexander conquered. The Hellenistic age was significant because production in visual arts,and the sciences increased. -
Period: 334 to 323
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was a military genius,and the king of Macedonia that spreaded the Greek Empire drastically. He was taught by the famous philosopher Aristotle about politics,and thinking. Alexander became the king after the assassination of his father and would begin to conquer Persia.During his campaign in Persia and Asia Minor,Alexander spread the Greek Culture and the blend of the culture of the places he conquered combined with the Greek culture became known as the Hellenistic culture. -
The Creation of the Delian League
The Delian League was created after Greece's victory in the Persian Wars. The league was created to protect against future threats the Persian might make. Athens took control of the alliance between the Polis and became increasingly aggressive for it’s control of the alliance. Athens also began using force when weaker city states refused to join the league .The Delian League also led the beggining of the Golden Age in Athens who had alot of money which led to the creation of the Parthenon. -
Battle of Salamis
The Battle of Salamis was a decisive naval battle between the Persians and the Greeks in the Persian wars. The Greeks used a type of ship called a trireme, which was a fast and maneuverable ship that was the key to defeating the Persians in this decisive naval battle.The Greeks lured the Persian fleet into the narrow water at Salamis, where the Persian ships had trouble moving. They delayed the plans of the Persians which allowed the Greeks city states to unite together to defeat Persia. -
Battle of Marathon
The Battle of Marathon took place during the Greek-Persian Wars which took place on Marathon Plains in Northeastern Attica. It was a key battle in war that showed the Persians were beatable and was later shown in Greek art,sculpture and pottery. During this battle,the Greeks were vastly outnumbered by the Persians but their formation they used,called the Phalanx helped them win this important battle. After the battle, Pheidippides was ordered to run to Athens to tell them of their victory. -
Sparta becomes a military centered state
Sparta was known for being a military focused state starting from 725 BC. Spartan babies were judged by the elders to see if they were able to contribute to society and to see who lives and who doesn't. In Sparta, boys had to go to military school when they were 7 to join the military and girls would grow up to be housewives that took care of everything including finances. This was important because Sparta's military might would later be very helpful in aiding Greece during the Persian wars.