Anglo-Saxons, Carolingians, and Vikings

  • 449

    Anglo Saxon Warriors Arrive in Britain

    Legend says Hengist and Horsa land with three shiploads of Saxon warriors.
  • 456

    Death of Merovech

  • 461

    Deaths of Patrick and Pope Leo

  • 476

    The Western Empire Falls

  • 490

    Clovis I Converts

  • 518

    Battle of Mt. Badon

    Legend says that King Arthur leads the Celtic and former British in a victory against the Anglo-Saxons.
  • 525

    Boethius Dies

  • 550

    Benedict Dies

  • 565

    Justinian Dies

  • 597

    Augustine of Canterbury Arrives in Kent

    Sent by Pope Gregory,. Augustine lands in Kent, founds a Benedictine monastery at Canterbury, and begins his missionary work among the Anglo-Saxons in Britain,
  • 604

    Pope Gregory the Great Dies

  • 632

    Death of Muhimmad

  • 635

    Lindisfarne Monastery Founded

  • 663

    Synod of Whitby

    The British Celtic Church influenced by Irish monks chooses to adopt the Roman Catholic liturgy used by the Anglo-Saxon Christians
  • 680

    Umayyad Caliphate Founded

  • 709

    Wilfrid Dies

    Wilfrid, an Anglo-Saxon monk known for traveling from Britain to Belgium to conduct missionary work among the Germanic tribes there
  • 720

    Muslims Conquer Spain

  • 731

    731 Bede Writes in Britain

    Bede, a Northumbrian Monk, completes his Ecclesiastical History of the English People.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

  • 750

    Abbasid Caliphate Begins

    The Abbasids based in Baghdad replace the Umayyads as the primary leaders of the Islamic world. This era is known as a Golden Age of Islamic philosophy, mathematics, and sciences as Arabic culture and Islamic theology engaged wirg Classical Greek thought and Persian culture.
  • 751

    Carolingians Begin Ruling Franks

  • 754

    Boniface Dies

    Boniface was an Anglo-Saxon monk who did missionary work among the pagan and violent Saxons of Germany
  • 771

    Charlemagne Sole Ruler of Franks

    After a few years co-ruling with his brother, Charlemagne becomes sole ruler of the Franks.
  • 777

    Palace at Aachen Begins

  • 782

    Charlemagne Massacres Saxons

    In response to recent attacks by Saxon leader Widukind, Charlemagne reportedly has 4,500 Saxon prisoners executed en masse
  • 787

    Charlemagne Begins Educational Reform

    Charlemagne orders abbots and bishops to open schools near all churches and monasteries. Same year that Nicaea II ends Iconoclast Controversey.
  • Period: 788 to 796

    Charlemagne conquers Bavaria, Austria, and Hungary

    Charlemagne forces many to be baptized or face death. This was often done in response to pagan tribes killing missionaries or Christians
  • 793

    First Vikings Raid Britain

    First Viking raid in Britain at Lindisfarne Abbey.
  • Period: 794 to 834

    REgilar Viking Raids in Britain, Ireland, Netherlands and France

  • 800

    Charlemagne Crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III

    After being protected from enemies by Charlemagne a year earlier, Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne Emperor following Christmas Mass.
  • 804

    Wars Against Saxons in Germany End

    After over 20 years of off and on fighting, Charlemagne defeats the Saxons and they convert to Christianity.
  • 814

    Death of Charlemagne

  • 841

    Vikings Found City of Dublin

  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun Divides Carolingian Empire

  • 845

    he Siege of Paris bu Viking Ragnar Lothbrok

  • 859

    Viking Raids Begin in Ukraine

  • 865

    Great Heathen Army Arrives in Britain

    The coalition of Norse warriors known as the Great Heathen Army (or Viking Great Army) arrives in East Anglia, led by Ivar the Boneless. They control over Half of England by 870.
  • 872

    Harold Fairhair Becomes First Viking King of Norway

  • 873

    Vikings Establish Permanent Settlement in Iceland

  • 878

    King Alfred of Wessex Defeats Vikings (Danes) in England

    King Alfred defeats Guthrum and converts him to Christianity.
  • Period: 880 to 886

    Alfred Conducts Military, Educational and Legal Reforms

  • 882

    Viking Rus Begin Expanding in Eastern Europe

    From their city of Kiev in Ukraine, the Viking Rus begin their expansion into Slavic Territory
  • 886

    Treaty Between Alfred and Danes Establishes Danelaw in Northern Ebgland

  • 888

    Carolingian Empire Collapses

    Unable to deal with Viking Raids, Charles the Fat sees the Carolingian Empire splinter even further.
  • 899

    Alfred the Great Dies

  • 911

    Viking Leader Rollo Becomes Duke of Normandy in France

  • 962

    Otto I Becomes Holy Roman Emperor

    OTTO I us recognized as Holy Roman Emperor which separates the Holy Roman Empire from what is becoming France.
  • 987

    Carolingian Dynasty in France Ends

    After years of Instability, the last Carolingian king of West Francia (France) dies and a new Dynasty begins.