
Anglo-Saxon/medieval 499-1200

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    We here

    We here
    Anglo-Saxons first arrive in South East Britain.
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    Gildas 504-570

    Gildas 504-570
    Gildas was born. He is an influential author who created the story of King Arthur.
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    King Arthur

    King Arthur
    The monk Gildas told a story of a great leader that defeated the Angles and the Saxons. This was the beginning of the legend of King Arthur.
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    The Ruin of Britain

    The Ruin of Britain
    Gildas wrote "The Ruin of Britain" tells about the collapse of Roman Britain and the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. He said that the Roman's fall was seen as a punishment from God for their sins.
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    Druim Cett

    Druim Cett
    The Irish kings met at Druim Cett to discuss their relationship with Scottland.
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    First Christian King

    First Christian King
    Augustine arrives in Kent, England. HE brings christanity to England. He converts King Ethelberht. King Ethelberht then gave him land in Canterbury to build a church.
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    Laws are written

    Laws are written
    King Ethelberht writes Laws in English. These are the first laws written in English.
  • citation

    “History : British History Timeline.” BBC, BBC,