5000 BCE
Early Indo-Europeans
Reached Britain -
800 BCE
Permanent settlements
Converted from Hunter Gatherers -
600 BCE
Goidelic Celts in Ireland
Arrived from Northern Italy -
500 BCE
Brythonic Cets in Britain
Arrived from Northern Italy -
Period: 58 BCE to 51 BCE
Caesar's Gallic Wars
55 BCE
Period: 55 BCE to 54 BCE
Roman Raids on Britain
Claudius' Invasion
Period: 43 to 410
Britain as a Roman Province
Hadrian's Wall
Antonius' Wall
Constantine Crowned Emperor in York
Visigoths invade Rome under Alaric
Celts and Romans in the South now unprotected from Picts and Irish Celts due to lack of Roman Troops -
Led by Hengest and Horsa they arrive, drive the invading Goidelic Celts away to the West and settle in the South. -
Period: 450 to 600
Germanic Age
St. Columba arrives at Iona
Irish Mission to spread Christianity
St. Columba starts Converting Scotland. -
Roman Mission to spread Christianity
St. Augustine starts Converting the South of Britain -
Period: 600 to 800
Golden Age of Learning
Period: 600 to 800
Conversion and expansion (Amalgamation)
King Edwin of Northumbria Converted
Through his wife Ethelberga. -
Osric Becomes King
Edwin's Pagan Cousin -
Oswald becomes King of Northumbria
Spreads Christianity even further. He was converted by Irish which clashed with the Roman Christianity. -
Period: 639 to 709
Aldhelm (poet)
-Educated by Theodore and Hadrian.
-From a noble Family, related to kings of Wessex.
-Abbot, Bishop, Scholar, Poet
-De Laude Virginitates
-Wrote Poetry in English? -
Oswiu Succeeds Oswald
His Brother. He marries the Roman Christian Eanfled of Kent (and daughter of Edwin) -
Synod of Whitby
Choice between following Rome or Irish Christian customs through: 1. Correct date for Easter, 2. Tonsure (religious hairdo). Outcome in favour of Roman to strengthen ties with mainland Europe. -
Period: 672 to 735
-Entered monastery at age of 7
-Prolific writer and polymath
-Historiography (Historia ecclestiastica gentis Anglorum)
-Hagiography, Theology, Computus, Natural sciences.
-Poetry, Orthography, etc.
-Very influential, still read today. -
School of Theodore and Hadrian
Theodore of Tarsus, the Archbishop of Canterbury (669-690) and Hadrian, abbot of St. Augustine's Abbey Canterbury (669-710) founded this school to teach students the holy scriptures, poetry, astronomy and the calculation of the church calendar. -
Caedmon's Hymn composed
First appeared in Latin in Bede's Ecclesiastical History. -
First OE copies of Caedmon's hymn found
Publishing of Bede's Ecclesiastical History
Death of Bede
Period: 735 to 804
-Leading Scholar at the court of Charlemagne
-Advisor to Charlemagne
- Writer and polymath: Grammar, Mathematics, Orthography, Poetry, etc.
- "Quid enim Hinieldus cum Christo?"
~From a Letter to Bishop Higbald of Lindisfarne (797) -
Viking Era starts
Attack on Lindisfarne
Viking Raid on the Church at Lindisfarne -
Period: 800 to 1016
Struggle for Survival (Viking Attacks)
Vikings make their first winter camp on British soil
Ælfred is sent to Rome
At the age of four. He was made a Consul there. -
Viking Army Arrives in East Anglia
These Danes set up winter camp and the locals made peace with them by giving them horses. They intended to conquer all four kingdoms that constituted Anglo-Saxon England in 865 -
ÆÞelred of Wessex became king
First Permanent Viking Settlement
in East Anglia -
Period: 870 to 918
ÆÞelflaed, Lady of the Mercians
Oldest daughter of King Alfred. Married to ÆÞelred of Mercia, who dies in 911. She becomes ruler of Mercia. -
Dec 31, 870
Battle of Englefield
Succesful Skirmish for Alfred in Berskshire. -
Period: 871 to 899
King Ælfred the Great
Stops vikings advancing. Promotes learning by having important works translated into English. Extensive Military, Social and Political Reform. -
Jan 5, 871
Battle of Reading
Severe defeat for Ælfred -
Jan 8, 871
Battle of Ashdown
Anglo-Saxon Victory, Ælfred is credited. -
Jan 22, 871
Battle of Basing
Saxons are defeated -
Mar 22, 871
Battle Of Merton
Ælfred is defeated. -
Apr 23, 871
ÆÞelred is Struck down and Dies
Only English Kingdom left is Wessex
All others have fallen to the vikings. -
Danish attack on Chippenham
A royal stronghold, King Ælfred flees to Athelney through the marshes of Somerset -
May 7, 878
Battle of Eddington (Edington/Ethandun)
After the battle Viking Leader Guthum is baptised as a part of the "deal" with king Ælfred and forced to agree to the Treaty of Wedmore. -
May 8, 878
Treaty of Wedmore
Peace settlement with the Viking leader Guthrum. Ælfred succeeds Ceolwulf's kingdom (Western Mercia). Vikings settle north of Watling Street, into an enlarged kingdom of East Anglia; the Danelaw area -
Asser published "Vita Ælfredi"
A Biography of king Ælfred the Great. -
Period: 895 to 939
King ÆÞelstan
Unites England and Subdues North Britain. First King of England.
ruled 924 - 939. -
Ælfred's death
ÆÞelflaed's Army captures Derby
ÆÞelflaed dies, her daughter Ælfwynn takes over.
Edward later intervenes and takes personal control -
Battle of Brunanburh
ÆÞelstan defeats combined army of Vikings, Dublin Vikings and Scots (Strathclyde). -
Period: 950 to 1025
Benedictine Reform
Power shifts to the monasteries. Men and Women now have seperated monateries. Regular Clergy rises. -
Period: 955 to 1010
Ælfric of Eynsham (scholar)
- Monk and later Abbot of Eynsham
- Sermons and Religious Doctrine
- Natural Science
Period: 958 to 986
Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson
As King of Denmark -
Period: 959 to 975
King Edgar
Reform of Monastic Life, Revival of Learning, English used as a language of Learning. -
Exeter Book
Contains Riddels, Wisdom Poetry and Elegies. -
Period: 970 to 986
Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson
As King of Norway -
Period: 970 to 1020
Byrthferth (scholar)
- Natural Sciences
- Manual (Enchiridion), a scientific textbook
Vercelli book
Dated: second half of the 10th Century.
Main contents: Dream of the Rood, Homilies, Hagiographical texts. -
Period: 978 to 1016
King ÆÞelraed Unraed
"The Unready" -
Battle of Maldon
ÆÞelraed antagonises Anglo-Saxons and pays Danegold -
Period: 995 to 1035
King Cnut
Reigned 1016 - 1035. -
Second Wave of Viking Attacks
Harald & Swein are Christian (at least in name) -
Most important Sources of Poetry
-Junius Manuscript
-Vercelli Book
-Exeter Book
-Beowulf Manuscript -
St. Brice's Day Massacre
ÆÞelraed antagonises Vikings -
Scandinavian kings take over Britain
King Cnut ascends the throne
He reigns until his death in 1035 -
Period: 1016 to
Christianity Consolidated (union)
Death of Wulfstan of York (Scholar)
- Advisor to king Cnut
- State Administration
Junius Manuscript
Dated: Early 11th Century
Main Contents: Genesis, Exodus, Christ and Satan -
Nowell Codex (/Beowulf Manuscript)
Dated: Early 11th Century.
Main Contents: Wonders of the East, Beowulf, Judith -
Jan 5, 1066
King Edward the Confessor Passes Away
Three claimants to the throne; Harold Godwinson (his brother in law, supported by AS), King Harald Hardrada of Norway (Viking Support) and Duke William of Normandy (Promised Kingship by Edward himself) -
Sep 25, 1066
Battle of Stamford Bridge
Harold Hardrada loses, Harold Godwinson Wins. -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
Harold Godwinson loses; William of Normandy wins. Harold had the High Ground but his infantry couldn't beat William's archers & Cavalry and can't penetrate their Shield Wall. Harold presumably killed by arrow to the eyeball. -
Period: 1571 to
Sir Robert Bruce Cotton
-Antiquarian and Bibliophile.
-Purchased and preserved old manuscripts in his Ashburnam House.
-His collection became the basis for the British Library. -
Cottonian Fire
Sir Robert Burce Cotton's Ashburnam House burns down. 1/4 of all manuscripts are destroyed. The original of "the battle of Maldon" is destroyed but a transcript survived.