Angel timeline

  • Graduation /Army

    Graduation /Army
    Hello guys, so I graduated high school and then went straight to the army and became a preventive medicine tech.
  • Zika discovery

    Zika discovery
    6 months after my enlistment and at my unit I was assigned to do entomological surveillance, that’s when I found that the Zika virus was at fort bragg, NC Which is the largest populated base in the military. In doing so I made the news paper and the highers heard of this.
  • Health physics

    Health physics
    When I discovered that the Zika virus was at the base, the hospital commander and garrison commander (3 star general) personally selected me to be a health physicist for the army and I became 1 of 57 to have that tittle in the army.
  • Deployment 1/2 2017-2018

    Deployment 1/2 2017-2018
    I deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan back to back where I was the lead health physicist there with an officer surveilling camps and the waters for alpha poisoning. During my second deployment I lost a friend of mine and after I decided to get out. The picture below he took on our first deployment
  • Out of the Army (active)

    Out of the Army (active)
    I got out active duty but the army had to keep me because of my tittle so they offered a 20000 dollar bonus to stay for another 4 years I said yes of course
  • Covid mission

    Covid mission
    I was tasked to go to New Jersey when the whole Covid thing was new, we were at a station where we held more than 500 people after we got it up and running we went to a hospital where I was one of the leaders in charge for Covid tracking and aiding as a preventive medicine specialist, also got rewarded by the general in charge of all Covid operations during the national emergency.
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory 2020-2021

    Los Alamos National Laboratory 2020-2021
    I then was offered a job at LANL to be a health physicist there working on classified areas and got my top secret security clearance.
  • Aaliyah

    I had my daughter in New Mexico and she relieved a lot of the PTSD I was recovering from. She became my best friend and my pain.
  • Nuclear medicine

    Nuclear medicine
    After everything was said and done, I decided not to do any more health physicist stuff. The work was boring and the area wasn’t ideal. Even thou the pay was amazing I missed home. So I decided to go back to school for nuclear medicine since it was close to that field. And yeah here I am. I got hired by my clinical site and will attain a full time job once graduated. Picture below I had 12 pets 7 cardiacs and 2 bone scans. That was a day.
  • Happy New Years 2023

    Happy New Years 2023
    Happy New Years guys, cheers to a new year