Angel Island

  • Young Years

    Young Years
    I was born in China. While I was growing up I never had a father around me. As I grew my mother told me that he moved to the states before I was born. I remember seeing all the other kids going out with a complete family, not just a mom. I wanted that and I wanted to find out who my father was.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
    angel islandMy sister and I decide to go alone to america to look for my father. She was younger than me so I had to protect her.It was our first time out of the state let alone outside of the country. We were willing to take the risk to find my father. It was like a whole different world when we got to the island
  • The search

    The search
    Apparently my father was popular around CXalifornia. I had heard his name a lot, especially in contex with the mining of gold. Over the next few years the mining of gold had become very popular. Through that our search for my father became alittle bit easier