ange forcillos timeline

  • birthday

    i, angelina forcillo was born to my parents allison forcillo and daniel long in delawre county hospital
  • ears pierced

    ears pierced
    i got my ears pierced for the for the first time when i was 6 moths old, at the springfield mall
  • started ballet

    started ballet
    i started dancing at jason douglas dance studio
  • first disney trip

    first disney trip
    i went to disney for the first time with my favorite cousins, mom, grandmom, aunts & uncle
  • first recital

    first recital
    i had my frist dance recital, i did ballet and tap.
  • bestfriend

    i met sammy at our friends sleepover in the third grade ad weve been bestfriendds ever since
  • sabold

    i moved to springfeild in the 4th grade and i went to sabold, mostly everyone was friendly and i still talk to most of my friends that i met back then.
  • started swimteam

    started swimteam
    i started swimming for aldan two years ago and i love it more than anything, i got coaches award my first year. i made such great friends and my teammates are my family.
  • christmas trip

    christmas trip
    i went to disney on christmas morning, best present ever
  • softball championships

    softball championships
    this spring i played for the mets in saa softball, i made some great friends on that team and memories that will last a lifetime. at championships, my bestfriend and i both made tripple plays at the mound pitching. my play won the game for us and it was such a great moment.