Android Versions

  • Alpha

    Version 1.0
    Major characteristics: They created the code and the first mascot logo.
  • Beta

    Version 1.1
    Major Characteristics: They allowed the application downloads and updates and gmail synchronisation with the Gmail application.
  • Cupcake

    Version 1.5
    Major characteristics: they included the on-screen keyboard and Bluetooth support.
  • Donut

    Version 1.6
    Major characteristics: They included the battery usage indicator and a text-to-speech engine.
  • Eclair

    Version 2.0-2.1
    Major Characteristics: They included a persistent google search bar and the speech-to-text engine.
  • Froyo

    Version 2.2-2.2.3
    Major Characteristics: They optimised speed, memory and performance and they enabled the numeric and alphanumeric passwords.
  • Gingerbread

    Version 2.3-2.3.7
    Major Characteristics: They support extra-large screen sizes and they improved power management.
  • Honeycomb

    Version 3.0-3.2.6
    Major Characteristics: It was designed for tablets and they redesigned the keyboard to type easier on large devices.
  • Ice Cream Sandwich

    Version 4.0-4.0.4
    Major Characteristics: They included NFC support and face recognition for device unlocking.
  • Jelly Bean

    Version 4.1-4.3.1
    Major characteristics: They add the ability for some new shortcuts and widgets on a home screen page and the display of additional content or action buttons, like call back.
  • KitKat

    Version 4.4-4.4.4
    Major characteristics: they focused on optimizing the operating system to improve the performance in dievices with limited resources and they add the full screen mode.
  • Lollipop

    Version 5.0-5.1.1
    Major characteristics: they changed the notification system, adding new features like the displaying of those in the lock-screen and they improved the battery usage.
  • Marshmallow

    Version 6.0-6.0.1
    Major changes: They allow the user to select if the SD cards status in internal or external, improving the security systems and they add the fingerprint recognition to screen unlocking.
  • Nougat

    Version 7.0-7.1.1
    Major Characteristics: They included the ability to display multiple apps on-screen at once in a split-screen view and the notification shade was again redesigned.