Creation of Android Inc.
In october 2003 Android Inc. was created in California by Andy Tubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White. It hadn't got so much proffit and at first they wanted to crate an OS for digital cameras. -
Change in the crators' mind
In april 2004 the company decided to change their mind and leave the development of the cameras OS because it wasn't such a wide market and start developing an OS for phones that would rival Symbian and Microsoft Windows Mobile. -
Google enters in scene
In July 2005 google adquired Android Inc. -
Apple lounches the first Iphone - A revolution on the mobile world
In January 2007 Apple first lounched the Iphone. This mobilephone revolutioned the mobile sector, and it's undeniable android took some things from it. -
The begining of the Android era.
The 22nd October 2008 Android lounched in the market when the T-Mobile G1 appeared in the US. Even though this phone didn't come with some features we feel necesary nowadays, but it had some really new stuff: a pull-down notification window, home screen widgets, rich gmail integration and the android app market. -
The first update. Welcome 1.1!
The first android update came on February 2009. Version 1.1 wasn't a revolution by any stretch of the imagination — it patched a fairly lengthy list of bugs, primarily — but if nothing else, it validated Android's ability to roll out updates over the air and make them nearly effortless for users to install. At the time, that was a big deal, and it was something that no other major smartphone platform was doing. -
Does someone want a Cupcake?
April 2009 google lounched android's 1.5 version: cupcake. This version marked a milestone as it added some really innovative features. Many of them were unnoticable, but made several changes to the concept of phone itself. One of the most important new features were the on-screen soft keyboard, faster gps location and improvements in the camera. -
There's nothing as round as a Donut update.
Android 1.6 donut was a far bigger deal than its "0.1" increment would let on. Most of the improvements were under hoods, so it wasn't such an impresive update. The most important one was the resolution independence, but there were many others: quicksearch box, voice search, battery indicator and integrated camera and gallery applications. -
Android 2.0/2.1 Eclair - "Big" would be an accurate description.
What made Eclair so important? It represented the most fundamental refresh that Android had seen since its debut, both visually and architecturally. Some really important improvements were multiple account support, Bluetooth 2.1 support, new browser interface for html, google maps navigation, live wallpapers and a new lock screen. -
Android 2.2: Froyo "Bolson"
What did Google have to showcase in Froyo? Plenty. First of all, the home screen was deeply redisigned: the old three-panel view was changed (which dated back to Android 1.0), replaced by a five-panel one with a new group of dedicated, translucent shortcuts at the bottom for the phone, web browser, and app launcher. This made the android experience much more enjoyable. -
The gingerbread man is born - Android 2.3
Gingerbread was a relatively minor release, but there were enough "minor" changes to collectively make for a fairly large improvement in the platform. Some of these new features were an improved keyboard, support from front-facing cameras, better copy and paste and Near Field Communication (NFC) -
Where's your comb, honey? - Android 3.X
Android honeycomb was especially thought for big devices as tablets and brought a fundamental redesign of the platform's user interface. Some new features were the inclusion of virtual buttons (so physical ones were no need any more), improved multitasking, a complete redesign in the interface and especially in the widgets and bottom bar and refined notifications. As you see, it was an important update, even though it was mostly dedicated to the tablets. -
A bite to the android ice scream sandwitch
Android 4.0 or Android Ice Cream Sandwich was a huge update, and especialy visual. Many of the new features came from honeycomb, but there were big changes. Two features that stayed without changes since 1.0 that were the word-type and the notification bar was changed. The home screen also had loads of changes. In addition, android 4.0 came with face unlock (very bad but there it was) and many other little updates. -
Small but effective - Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean is notably a much bigger deal than its mere 0.1 increment over Ice Cream Sandwich you would have believe. A quick glimp at 4.1 doesn't give you much indication that anything has changed, but a deeper look reveals a host of tweaks and new features: another change in the font, widget flexibility, improved notifications and improved support for google apps and features. -
Android KitKat slice to slice - Android 4.4
Android 4.4 KitKat was the first time google worked with a big brand. In this update android was boosted: it was faster, more efficient and less resource intensive. It also came with some new features: google now in the home screen, visual changes, new dialer, full screen apps, emojis, productivity enhancers and HDR+ support. -
Android Lollipop - Android 5.0
The main new feature of this update was to see android everywhere: in the TV, weareables and even your car. In this version of android developers optimiced android for our smartwatches, smart TV and that type of electronic deivices. They also inserted other new features: notifications in the block screen or transition and visual animations were some of them. -
Android Marshmallow - Sweet!
Android 6.0 Marshmallow appeared in the late 2015. In this update google gave android some new features we now nowadays: google "now on tap" (if you click the home button for a time), permission for applications and battery optimiztion. -
Android Nougat - Better tha Souchard!
Last year google lounched android 7.0 nougat, an android version that still is the one present in most of the mobilephones nowadays. This update came with new emojis and support for more languajes, multi-window view, enhanced graphics support for games and virtual reality improvements. -
Android Oreo - Black and White but very modern.
The last android update we've had is android 8.0 oreo, and that's why many mobiles don't have their oreo update nowadays. This is mainly because andoid oreo's architecture is very different to the last versions. In this case android doesn't mix with every company's personalization layer, so it willl be easier to update a mobile with oreo to the next one, but not an old one to ore. Other features were: swift moves in the home screen, multi-window iprovements and boosted security and batery.