Andrew H.

By sclegg
  • when andrew was born

    when andrew was born
  • when andrew was potty trained

    when andrew was potty trained
  • when andrew learned to ride his bike

    when andrew learned to ride his bike
  • when my little brother was born

    when my little brother was born
    he opened his eyes when he was in the bed
  • when Andrew started tae kwon do

    when Andrew started tae kwon do
  • when i went to new mexico

    when i went to new mexico
    it was so fun when we went up the mountin
  • when my sister gaduated middle school

    when my sister gaduated middle school
  • my first commnunion

    my first commnunion
  • my grandpas 80th birthday

    my grandpas 80th birthday
  • when my grandma visted from colombia