Welcome to the World!
I was born to Maria and Gerardo Romero in Chicago IL. I'm the oldest of my family of 4 kids. -
8th Grade Here I Come
I would lke to be in advanced art in 8th grade becuase I love to draw and I think it's the best choice for me becuase I'm good at drawing animals. -
8th Grade Graduate
My three goals to reach before I graduate 8th grade are to be in advanced art, be in the volleyball team, and to be an honor student. -
High School is Here
The High School I'm going to is Alan B. Shepard High School -
An Artsy Person- Goal 1
For my first goal I would like to be in advanced art in high school because art is one of my favorite things. -
Volleyball! - Goal 2
I would like to be in the Astro's volleyball team because I think volleyball is fun and exciting. -
Driving Permit- Goal 3
I would like to get a driving permit for my 3rd goal. I think it would be fun and cool to learn how to drive -
G.P.A Chic- Goal 4
For my 4th goal I would like to be an honor student and, or have a G.P.A of 4.0. -
Super Reader-Goal 5
For my 5th and final goal I would like to be in advanced reading becuase reading is one of my favorite subjects in school besides art. -
An Obstacle Course
Two obstacles that might stand in my way to achieving my dream is money and hard classes. -
All I Wanna Be Is a Vet
The University I would like to go to is UIC. The career I chose is to be a vet for house and farm animals. the average salary is $46,514 to $103,950. To be a vet you need to take four years for a Bachlor degree and 4 years for D.V.M (Doctor of Veterinary Medical.) . -
Done With School! Yaaaaaaaa!
For my graduation my whole family will be there and I'll feel extraordinary becuase I got my dream job and I,m done with school. -
A Tourist
I would love to go to Tokyo, Japan to see the famous statue of Hachi! -
Once Again a Traveler
My third and last travel is to go to Alaska. I've always wanted to go to Alaska to see the other Balto statue, plus I love cold weather and snow too! -
It's a Vets Life
By 2025, I would like to be a vet in farm and house animals. -
I'm an Artist
I would like to be able to draw really good and be an artist whizz at drawing dogs and other animals. -
All Over the World
I would also like to go to NewYork to see the Balto statue in Central Park. -
How Old!?
I would like to live to be 90 years old.