Andrea's Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Santa Ana, California. I have two sisters and a brother and I'm the second child in my family.
  • Brother was born

    I still remember this day my mom had been in the hospital for a week. My grandpa was the one taking care of me and my older sister. Once my mom have birth they said that she was slowly dying they did everything they can to keep her and my brother alive. After that they said that he might not live very long cause he was born at 7 months and he only weighed 1 lbs. I really thank god that he gave my brother the chance to live even if he annoys me all the time
  • New Life In Mexico

    New Life In Mexico
    When i turned 5 me and my family moved to Mexico for 2 years. We had bought a house in Puebla and at times we would go to el D.F to visit my mom's family.
  • Little Sister Was Born

    My mom had the same problem she had with my brother. She was born earlier than expected and she was born weighing 2 lbs.
  • While In Mexico

    While In Mexico
    I had started school over there. A year later my parents had gotten married. I made a lot of friends where i lived and at school. My dad came back to the U.S cause we were running low on money. Me and my siblings had to eventually come back to the U.S to have a better opportunity in life.
  • Life In The U.S

    Life In The U.S
    When we came back from Mexico we stayed at my aunt's house. I began talking to the kids around where I lived. I entered half of first grade at Fremont elementary school in Santa Ana. Although it was hard not having my mom with us for two years we managed to move forward.
  • Big News

    One day i have gotten home from school and my aunt was waiting for us at the door. She told us she had some news she wanted to tell us. I washed my hands because we were about to eat. Once we sat down my aunt was telling us that my mom was gonna come back from Mexico to live with us. I was really excited that I was gonna finally see my mom after two years.
  • Moved Houses

    Moved Houses
    After living with my aunt for years we finally bought a house. We are still living in Santa Ana but just closer to Garden Grove. I began third grade at Simmons elementary school. Since then I've been going to all my home schools like Irvine intermidiate and Los Amigos high school.
  • Started A Family Bussiness

    Started A Family Bussiness
    In the middle of 7th grade my parents had bought a food truck. We began working and we've been getting good money out of it. Ever since 7th grade I had been working.
  • Because Of Our Bussiness

    Because Of Our Bussiness
    Ever since we started working we had the money to go places. We've gone to Las Vegas, Laughlin, Kernville and many other places.
  • Fights

    I've always been a troublemaker but not really at school until 8th grade where i got into my first fight. It was really just hair pulling but the principal still made it a big deal. Then again I got into two other fights last year one at school and the other near the girl's house. I didn't really want to get into fights but once i hear that they go around throwing dirt on my name that's when i get mad
  • Trip Back To Mexico

    This past summer my parents gave us and option between going to Mexico or Las Vegas. My siblings and I choose Mexico cause we haven't gone back for the past 8 years. We spent the first two weeks of my summer vacation in Mexico. We visited my parents family and we traveled places we didn't go to when i was living there.
  • Makeup

    Ever since i was little I've liked doing makeup. I didn't think I would take it serious till this year. I began jut putting foundation on. I started looking at video tutorials and i found some girls on Instagram that inspired me to learn more and more. My two inspiring people are Jazmin ( aka shady) and Jovanna. Everyday i see there tutorials and I get inspired to do different designs. I'm still not the best but I'm getting better than before.

    That day was the most special because i got to see my idol. My dad took us to the concert and it was in The Novo in L.A. I remember getting there at 5:26 p.m. There was a really long line of people waiting outside The Novo. Some of the people waiting had been there since 8 in the morning. Me and my sister and brother got in line and we were waiting there for about three hours until the doors finally opened at 8. But meanwhile we were waiting I meet George the guy that films his videos.
  • My Quinceanera

    My Quinceanera
    Once we came back from Mexico I began to practice for my 15. It took us three months to put all the dances together and then the day finally came. That day was the best day of my life I had a good time seen everyone that joined me that day.