Ancient to Modern Day Space Exploration

  • 127


    Ptolemy's first known observation was March 26, 127. Ptolemy wrote a book called Almagest, and he created a geocentric model that was used for 14 centuries..
  • Feb 19, 1473


    Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473. He used "a wheels-on-wheels" method in his detaile heliocentric model. A heliocentric model is a model of the solar system with the sun in the center. Copernicus's model was thought of as the first step towards a more modern model.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    Galileo was born in 1564. He used scientific methods in his work similar to the ones we use today. Galileo made major improvements to the telescope which helped him to observe Jupiter's moons, reallize that Earth was not the only planet that could be orbited, and discover that Venus has phases similar to Earth's moon.
  • First Artificial Satellite Launched

    First Artificial Satellite Launched
    The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite on this day.
    An artificial satellite is a machine built by humans that orits a planet.
  • First Human to Orbit Earth

    First Human to Orbit Earth
    Yuri A. Gagarin was the first cosmonaut to orbit Earth.
  • Telstar Satellite is Joined to a Delta rocket

    Telstar Satellite is Joined to a Delta rocket
    In 1962 the Telstar satellite was joined, by technicians, to a Delta rocket. The Telstar satellite was the first satellite to send out TV signals.
  • Mariner 2 Gathers Data From Venus

    Mariner 2 Gathers Data From Venus
    The Mariner 2 reached 35,000 km away from Venus in 1962, and it returned with data from the planet.
  • First Moon Landing

    First Moon Landing
    The first mission to the moon was in 1969. Apollo 11 was the rocket that took the astronauts to the moon.
  • First Space Station is Launched

    First Space Station is Launched
    The first space station was launched in 1971. The space station had an orbital mission. This means it was supposed to orbit Earth.
  • Pioneer 10 Observes Jupiter

    Pioneer 10 Observes Jupiter
    In 1972 Pioneer 10 was the first space probe to make observations of Jupiter and travel through the astroid belt.
  • Last Moon Landing

    Last Moon Landing
    The last mission to the moon was in 1972. The rocket that took the astronauts to the moon was Apollo 17.
  • Viking 2 Landed on Mars

    Viking 2 Landed on Mars
    In 1976 Viking 2 landed on Mars. It took over 16,000 pictures until it stopped working in 1978. Viking 2 was a Mars robotic explorer. It was a robot, a type of machine, that landed on the surface of Mars and traveled over the land taking pictures and gathering data.
  • Space Shuttle Flights Began

    Space Shuttle Flights Began
    In 1981 space shuttle flights began to occur. They retrieved satelltes that were orbiting Earth.
  • The Space Probe Galileo was launcheed

    The Space Probe Galileo was launcheed
    In 1989 Galileo was launched. It's purpose was to study Jupiter. It passed by Jupiter in 1995. Jupiter is one out of the four outer planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all outer planets also know as gas giants. These gas giants are large planets that are made out of many gasses. These planets are very cold becasue they are so far from the sun.
  • Mars Sojourner Landed on the Martian Surface

    Mars Sojourner Landed on the Martian Surface
    In 1996 the Mars Sojourner analyzed the surface of Mars whith an x-ray spectrometer. The Mars Sojourner landed on Mars in 1997.
  • The Cassini-Huygens Space Probe was Launched

    The Cassini-Huygens Space Probe was Launched
    In 1997 the Cassini-Huygens space probe was launched. It was created to study saturn and it's moons.
  • The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity

    The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity
    The Mars Exploration and Opportunity landed on Mars and explored opposite sides of the Martian surface. The Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit landed on Mars on January 4, 2004. The Opportunity landed on Mars on January 25, 2004.
  • Deep Impact Released it's Impactor into Comet Temple 1

    Deep Impact Released it's Impactor into Comet Temple 1
    The Deep Impact released an impactor into Comet Temple 1 to study it's interior's composition.
  • NOAA got Ready for the Launch of a Polar Orbiter Weather Satellite

    NOAA got Ready for the Launch of a Polar Orbiter Weather Satellite
    In 2009 NOAA, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, got ready to launch a polar orbiter weather satellite.
  • Aristotle

    Aristotle was born 385 B.C.E., the month and day is not clear but April 16 is one estimate at his birth date. Aristotle proposed a geocentric model of the Earth, a model of the solar system with Earth as the center. He thought the stars moved with Earth as it moved, becasue he couldn't identify parallax, the apparent movement of an object.