Ancient Rome Rise and Fall

  • 509 BCE

    Patriarchs Drive Out Etruscans and Create Republic

    Patriarchs Drive Out Etruscans and Create Republic
    The Patriarchs, the rich people of Rome, formed a rebellion and drove out all of the Etruscan kings. Then, in place of a king, they crated a republic with multiple people ruling.
  • 494 BCE

    Plebeians Begin Rebellion

    Plebeians Begin Rebellion
    The Plebeians, the poor people of Rome, were not happy that the Patriarchs had more power than them. The Plebeians realized that there were way more Plebeians than Patriarchs. They decided to march over to a nearby hill and stay there until they had equal rights. Rome was now in crisis because the Plebeians occupied most of the jobs in the empire. The Patriarchs had no choice but to give the Plebeians the rights they wanted.
  • 494 BCE

    Patriarchs Allow Plebeians To Elect Officials

    Patriarchs Allow Plebeians To Elect Officials
    The Patriarchs gave the Plebeians the right to elect officials to a council called the Council of Plebs. The Council of Plebs could speak on behalf of the Plebeians to the government. The Council of Plebs could also make laws for the Plebeians. Later on, the Plebs would be able to veto, or overrule, laws that the Roman senate made.
  • 451 BCE

    Plebeians Make Patriarchs Write Down Plebeian Laws

    Plebeians Make Patriarchs Write Down Plebeian Laws
    The Plebeians weren't satisfied. They demanded that their laws be written down so they had evidence if the patriarchs forgot any of the Plebeian laws. The Patriarchs agreed.
  • 367 BCE

    Plebeians Gain Right Of Joining Senate

    Plebeians Gain Right Of Joining Senate
    A new law that was passed said that every one out of two consuls, or government people, had to be a Plebeian. This law allowed Plebeians to join the Roman senate.
  • 287 BCE

    Plebeians Gain Right Of Being Able To Make Laws For All Roman Citizens

    Plebeians Gain Right Of Being Able To Make Laws For All Roman Citizens
    Finally, the Plebeians had gained the right to make laws for all Roman citizens, even Patriarchs. Now, assemblies of all Roman citizens could approve or reject laws. These plebeian assemblies also nominated the consuls, the tribunes, and the members of the Senate. After 200 years of struggle, the plebeians had won
    their fight for equality.
  • 330

    Constantine Moves His Capital To Byzantium

    Constantine Moves His Capital To Byzantium
    In 330, Constantine made a very risky decision. He moved his capital to Byzantium, and renamed it New Rome. It would later be called Constantinople. (Today it is known as Istanbul, Turkey.) He then attempted to do something no one had ever tried before. He had two emperors rule in two capitals. Together, they would rule the Roman Empire. Rome would be the capital of the western part of the empire while New Rome would be the capital of the eastern part of the empire.
  • 410

    Germanic Tribes Loot Rome

    Germanic Tribes Loot Rome
    Ever since Constantine moved to New Rome, the original Rome was having trouble with invading Germanic tribes. One day in 410, a Germanic tribe looted Rome itself. This was a major blow for the western half of the empire as Germanic tribes continued to be a problem. Romans now started to get driven from the city.
  • 476

    Last Emperor Of The West Is Driven From Throne

    Last Emperor Of The West Is Driven From Throne
    In 476, the last emperor of the west was finally driven from Rome.The western part of Rome began to dissolve into lots of separate smaller countries.
  • 476

    End Of Roman Empire

    End Of Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire was dead. In the east, the people there tried to piece together the Roman empire again, but it was too late. The eastern part turned into a new empire that lived for 1000 more years: the Byzantium Empire.