Hero romeitaly

Ancient Rome - Keon Larsen P5a

  • Period: 800 BCE to 500


  • 753 BCE

    Rome's Beginning

    Rome's Beginning
    Romulus was the first king. The story was that he has a twin brother the father Mars the god of war. Romulus grew up with a wolf as a "mother" and later were to be found of a citizen of the country area. Both Romulus and his brother took to power quickly as they were the strogenst and Romulus ended up taking over all of Italy delcaring himself as Rome's ruler.
  • 509 BCE

    Rome and The Seven Kings

    Rome and The Seven Kings
    Rome had seven kings to rule its land first. The first king was Romlus and the last was Tarquin. He went by a title of Tarquin the Proud and had a son named Sextus Tarquinius. Sextus raped many women and the people did not like it, so they began to revolt in 509 B.C. This is also when Rome be came a repulic. All of the offices were chosen by the people. Two Counsuls, about three hundrend Senators and also all of the different classes of the patriacians to the plebeians.
  • 246 BCE

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    During the time of 246 B.C. to 146 B.C. the punic wars was upon Rome. It Rome against the Carthage. The Carthage ruled all of west Italy, Spain, North Africa, and the Western Mediterranean. So when it came down to who had more land and resources Carthage came on top. But Rome some how found a why to take down the Carthage.
  • 133 BCE

    Rome's Rise to Power

    Rome's Rise to Power
    Rome became an empire after the Punic Wars and by 133 B.C Rome had taken total control over all of the land surrounding the Mediterranean. This made Rome very rich power full. The problem was that the Patricars (rich people) got richer and the Plebeians (poor people) got poorer. The plebeians had mostly the jobs of farming so when they could not get enough money to farm they moved to the city and left their land. By this The lower people of Rome revolted.
  • 58 BCE

    Rome's First Caesar

    Rome's First Caesar
    In 58 B.C. Julius Caesar became the ruler of Rome. He declared himself as ruler and gave himself power. In 44 B.C. he was stabbed and then war broke out in Rome as it was citizens against citizens, A civil war. Out of the civil war Octavian Or mostly known as Augustus stepped in and intervened as he stopped roughly one hundred years of more war.
  • 34 BCE

    The Birth of Jesus Christ

    The Birth of Jesus Christ
    Jesus was born in 4 B.C. The people that made the yearly calendar and time system messed up by four years as they wanted Jesus' birth to start the time. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea and at the age of 30 he began to preach and teach the Bible to many people. WIth is coming many believers came to faith. Jesus took the people with their faith and helped them with miracles like healing the sick rising the dead. But the early Christan church had a rough start.
  • 62

    Rome's Countless Rulers

    Rome's Countless Rulers
    After Augustus ruled Rome went into a complete downfall. There were many leaders and they were bad leaders. Starting before 64 A.D. and went though and beyond 180 A.D. One of the famous6 bad rulers was Nero, as stories tell us how he burned Rome and blamed it on the Christians.
  • 66

    Rome's Rise of Religions

    Rome's Rise of Religions
    Many of the gods and goddesses of Rome were similar to the Greeks. But also there were people under Rome's rule that did not agree to their obedience to their gods. These people were called Zealots as the refused the Romans rule over gods. This lead to the discontent of the people and it turned into a revolt in 66 A.D.
  • 70

    Rome's Answer

    Rome's Answer
    Just four years later in 70 A.D. Rome had enough of the Jews and they went and destroyed all of the temples and the city of Jerusalem. Many of the Jews died or were enslaved also during this time. Christianity was forbidden and people had to meet in smaller groups to preach and teach about the true religion of Jesus Christ.
  • 180

    Marcus Aurelius and the Pax Romana

    Marcus Aurelius and the Pax Romana
    Marcus Aurelius was a very wise ruler. he was a man of the stoicism and meditation. He died in 180 A.D. and was succeeded by his son Commodus. After Marcus' death for two hundred years, Rome was peaceful. Ideas of Rome were spreading and trade was huge as Rome had everything.
  • 248

    Emperor Diocletian and His Turn

    Emperor Diocletian and His Turn
    In 284 A.D. Emperor Diocletian tried to restore the disaster of what is Rome. He divided the Roman empire in half and took the eastern side and gave the western side to his friend Maxumiam. This way the Two emperors had to deal with half of the problems. This worked for about 200 years as the western side of Rome would fall. the Eastern side would still stay standing till the 1450s.
  • 312

    Constantine's Way with Religion

    Constantine's Way with Religion
    Following Jesus death, Rome made Christianity the new main religion of Rome. Leaders like Paul helped majorly with the spread of Jesus Christ and what he had done. In 312 A.D. Constantine was an empire ready for battle, and he had a dream where he saw a cross and a voice saying he will win. After his victory, Constantine became a Christian. He ordered all of the persecution illegal and created the Edict of Milan as this stands for the freedom of Christians of Rome.
  • 316

    The Raids of Rome

    The Raids of Rome
    Throughout the fall of Rome, there were tons of raiders that came and took what they wanted. One of the most known groups is the Huns. The Huns were very strong and very brutal. As the Huns were getting stronger many other smaller tribes had to get out of the way of destruction. So there were tribes that moved into Rome to escape the Huns and this was a major part of the Fall of Rome.
  • 318

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    After Marcus' death and the end of the Pax Romana, Rome fell into a period of total chaos in the government. In about 50 years there were 26 different rulers. This just torn Rome apart as the rules were not strong and the people were not getting what the need and the kept revolting not finding a good main.
  • 476

    The End of Rome

    The End of Rome
    The confusing rule of whoever and all of the economic Rome had been carrying with them lead to a huge part of their demise. Rome also had the problem of invaders and raiders taking their resources and terrorizing the people was the other half to the fall of Rome. Together Rome as a whole was destroyed and fell, but the influences of Rome are still around as they were spread throughout the many years it was around.