Ancient Rome-From Village To Empire

  • 750 BCE

    Settling In

    Settling In
    The Latin Tribes settle in a land with Apennine Mountains, large fertile plains, located on the Tiber River and built on seven hills. Once in they became the "First Romans" in the land known as Rome
  • 700 BCE

    Let's Begin

    Let's Begin
    The Romans started to have king's that ruled Rome, like Roman King, Numa Pompilius (he added two new months Januarius (January) and Februarius (February))
  • 600 BCE

    Etru what?

    Etru what?
    Etruscans come to the Land of Rome and conquer it.Once the Etruscans where in Rome they, influenced in the (Roman) alphabet, art, building techniques and gods, all of which Rome adopted.
  • 509 BCE


    The Romans overthrow the etruscans out of their land but keep their influences revolving around and using them constantly. In this time Rome settles in a Republic. When the Etruscans leave it allows Rome to have more power, territory and sobernity
  • 451 BCE

    Twelve Roman Tables

    Twelve Roman Tables
    Romans officials carve in twelve tables the new roman law. The law ls confirm the right of all free citizens to protection of the law and this becomes then the basis for Roman law.
  • 256 BCE

    Oh bella Italia!

    Rome extends its power and starts to conquer their surrounding states.By the end of 256BC Rome had finish defeating the Etruscans and conquering the north and south of the Greek city-states and the Italian Penninsula. They forged allianced and offered citizenship to whom they where about to conquer. So... clever?
  • 241 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    This was a war between the Romans and the Carthaginians. After 23 years of fighting Rome wins and makes a price for peace. Rome takes Carthages place as dominant power of the mediterranean. After all both Rome and Carthage were financially poor. In this war even though Rome was devastated this win guaranted them more power to their empire.
  • 201 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    In the second Punic war Carthage invade and took over Hispania and when Rome came they forced Hannibal to defend them. The outcome; Rome defeated Hannibal and Hispania was seided to Rome. And yet Rome wins more territory for its ruling.
  • 146 BCE

    Last (3rd) Bloody Punic War

    Last (3rd) Bloody Punic War
    In this last war Rome attacked Carthage, burt the city down, salting their crops so they won't grow more and massacred the Carthagians. For a win, Rome vanished Carthage meaning the Punic ware were over, they indeed won even more power if that was even possible. Plus there was no Carthage to fight or encounter Rome
  • 133

    Seize and swim

    Seize and swim
    At 133BC Rome seize control of the Greek Empire and go on a conquest through the whole mediterranean sea.