
Ancient Rome Chronology (Connolly, T.)

By connolt
  • 120

    Gaius Gracchus is killed

    Gaius Gracchus is killed
  • Period: 123 to Jan 1, 1300

    Connollys Ancient Rome Timeline

  • 146

    Carthage is destroyed

    Carthage is destroyed
  • 202

    Battle of Zama

    Battle of Zama
  • 221

    Hannibal Takes Command of Punic Army in Spain

    Hannibal Takes Command of Punic Army in Spain
  • 241

    End of the First Punic War

    End of the First Punic War
  • 264

    Beginning of the First Punic War

    Beginning of the First Punic War
  • 267

    Romans are in control of all of Italy

    Romans are in control of all of Italy
  • 450

    Twelve Tablets are written

    Twelve Tablets are written
  • 507

    War with the Etruscans begins

    War with the Etruscans begins
  • Jan 1, 616

    Tarquinicus Priscus- 1st Etruscan King of Rome

    Tarquinicus Priscus- 1st Etruscan King of Rome
  • Jan 1, 700

    The Etruscan Civilization Begins

    The Etruscan Civilization Begins
  • Jan 1, 750

    Rape of the Sabine Women

    Rape of the Sabine Women
  • Jan 1, 753

    Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus

    Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Latins and Etruscans begin to settle Italy

    Latins and Etruscans begin to settle Italy
  • Jan 1, 1240

    Aeneas arrives in Italy

    Aeneas arrives in Italy
  • Jan 1, 1250

    End of the Trojan War

    End of the Trojan War
  • Carthage becomes a center of trade

    Carthage becomes a center of trade
  • The Etruscan Kings are expeled by Lucius Brutus

    The Etruscan Kings are expeled by Lucius Brutus
  • Treaty with Carthage

    Treaty with Carthage
  • Etruscan city of Veio is taken

    Etruscan city of Veio is taken
  • Rome is sacked by the Gauls

    Rome is sacked by the Gauls
  • Beginning of Second Punic War

    Beginning of Second Punic War
  • Beginning of the Third Punic War

    Beginning of the Third Punic War
  • Romans conquer Greece in Macedonian War

    Romans conquer Greece in Macedonian War