800 BCE
Start the Ancient Roma
Ancient Rome is both the city of Rome and the State it founded in Antiquity. The idea of Ancient Rome is inseparable from Latin culture. It was formed by a group of peoples in the eighth century BC. C. and dominated the Mediterranean world and Western Europe from the first to the fifth century through military conquest and the assimilation of local elites. His domain has left important archaeological traces and numerous literary testimonies. -
789 BCE
Start the Ancient Roma #2
Around the 8th century BC C. the settlements were unified under the name of Roma Quadrata. Legend has it that Rome was founded by Romulus on April 21, 753 BC. C. Romulo, whose name is said to have inspired the name of the city, was the first of the seven kings of Rome to have been elected. Roman historians dated the foundation in 753 a. C., and from that date they counted their age or particular calendar. Likewise, there is also a critical theory of the founding of Rome. -
771 BCE
Ancient Rome THE LEGEND
According to Roman tradition, Romulus (c. 771 a. C.1-c. 717 a. C.) and his twin brother Remo (c. 771 a. C.-c. 753 a. C.) were the founders of Rome and the Roman Senate. A substantial part of the research remains skeptical about this tradition, setting the origin of the city at the end of the 7th century BC. C.2 The possible historical bases for mythological narrative as a whole remain confusing and debated.3 n 1 -
754 BCE
The foundation according to historiography
The city of Rome emerged from the settlements of Latin, Sabine and Etruscan tribes, placing the first inhabitants of Rome on the seven hills, at the confluence between the Tiber River and the Via Salaria, 28 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea. In this place the Tiber has an island where the river can be crossed. Due to the proximity of the river and the ford, Rome was at a crossroads of traffic and commerce. -
753 BCE
In the current chronology the date of the foundation of Rome was set on April 21, 753 a. C. This date was year 0 for the Roman Empire, as it was taken as a reference point for dating events in the Roman world. It was referred to as the Birth of Rome Recently, in November 2007, there was the discovery of the cave that in ancient times was revered as the place where it was believed that the Romulus and Remus twins had been breastfed. -
717 BCE
Ancient Rome ROMELUS
Romulus died in 717 a. C. There are several versions of his death, already taken by the heavens in the middle of a storm caused by his father Mars or killed by some dissenting senators, but the Romans reported this fact as his murder by his twin Remo, but not There is no information about how or how it happened in a specific way. In honor of the date of his disappearance the Nonas Caprotinas festivities were celebrated. It will end up divinized and worshiped under the invocation of Quirino. -
650 BCE
Still today it shapes the image of Western civilization. During these centuries, Roman civilization passed from a monarchy to an oligarchic republic and then to an autocratic empire.The image of a city in continuous progress does not fully correspond to the complexity of the facts. Its history has not been of continuous growth: progress (at very different rates) has been followed by stagnation and sometimes even backward movement. -
509 BCE
Elective monarchy
The nascent city state is ruled by a king (rex) elected by a council of elders (senatus). The mythical or semi-mythical kings are (in chronological order): Romulo, Numa Pompilio, Tulio Hostilio, Anco Marcio, Lucio Tarquinio Prisco, Servio Tulio and Lucio Tarquinio el Soberbio. The last of them, Lucio Tarquinio el Soberbio, was overthrown in the year 509 a. C. when the Republic was established. -
Ancient Rome CONQUESTION OF...
But the Romans managed to solve the internal difficulties born of the conquest under the Republic by transforming their republican institutions.The Empire by Augustus marked the beginning of a period in which the Roman conquest reached the limits of the known world at that time.The Roman civilization, partly influenced by the Greeks, had a lasting influence on the conquered regions.From the third century, the Roman world suffered the great invasions of the barbarians of northern Europe and Asia. -
Fall of the empire
Diocletian (284-305) will undertake a great reorganization of the Empire, instituting the Tetrarchy. His successor Constantine I the Great was the last emperor of the unified empire. Shortly after, Emperor Theodosius I the Great divides the Empire between his two sons, Arcadio and Honorius, resulting in the division into the Roman Empire of the East, based in Constantinople, and the Roman Empire of the West, with capital in Rome and then in Ravenna -
Fall of the empire
Diocletian (284-305) will undertake a great reorganization of the Empire, instituting the Tetrarchy. His successor Constantine I the Great was the last emperor of the unified empire. Shortly after, Emperor Theodosius I the Great divides the Empire between his two sons, Arcadio and Honorius, resulting in the division into the Roman Empire of the East, based in Constantinople, and the Roman Empire of the West, with capital in Rome and then in Ravenna -
Fall of the empire #2
Theodosius will institutionalize Christianity, by making it the official religion of the Empire.
The barbarian invasions will put the lace to a dying Western Empire, giving way to the Middle Ages. The last emperor of the West, Rómulo Augústulo, will be deposed in 476 by Odoacro, a hermit. The Roman Empire of the East (later called the Byzantine Empire by the historian Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century) will continue its existence until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. -
Ancient Rome East West
To resist them, the Empire needed to create a new bureaucratic and military structure. In this framework the renewal of the fourth century took place, as well as the establishment of Christianity as a state religion. After the separation of the East and the West in 395, new invasions ended with the Western Empire in 476.Presa of internal instability and attacks, mainly, of the Germanic peoples, the western part of the Empire. -
Ancient Rome SYRIA EGIPT...
Despite the loss of Syria and Egypt by the nascent Arab-Islamic empire, the Eastern Empire continued to develop until it was finally destroyed by the Ottoman Empire. This medieval and Christian empire, called the Roman Empire by its inhabitants, but what modern historians call the Byzantine Empire, is the last evolutionary stage, without interruption in the imperial power and administration of the Roman Empire.