ancient Rome

  • 390 BCE

    battle of Allia

    The Battle of the Allia was fought between the Senones one of the Gallic tribes which had invaded northern Italy. The war was held at the river Allia 16 km north of Rome. The Romans had an estimated 40,000 soldier, mostly untrained and unaccustomed to there weapons. The Senones had between 30,000-70,000 soldiers that had won the battles before this encounter. which lead the Romans to losses the war.
  • 321 BCE

    Battle of Caudine Forks

    The Battle of Caudine Forks was a battle between Roman republic and the Samnium located Caudine Forks near Caudine 21 miles away from Rome. it was a long fight but the Romans were forced to surrender
  • 310 BCE

    The first Battle of Lake Vadimo

    The first Battle of Lake Vadimo was fought in 310 BC between Rome and the Etruscans and ended up being the largest battle between these nations. The Romans were victorious, gaining land and influence in the region. The Etruscans sustained heavy losses in the battle and would never again reclaim their previous glory.
  • 297 BCE

    The Battle of Tifernum

    The Battle of Tifernum was located in Perugia which is now known as central Italy the Romans army was 20,000 and there enemies the Samnites had 25,000 troops this is the third way the Roman force had battled and it was another victory for the Romans expanding their Empire more centrally.
  • 280 BCE

    Pyrrhic War

    The battle was located on the southern Italy modern day Sicily against the Greek forces of Pyrrhus, the king of Epirus sailed to Rome.Both armies lost a lot of men, but the Romans managed to pull through, which meant that Rome expanded
  • 279 BCE

    The Battle of Asculum

    The Battle was fought at Asculum in the south of Italy .This battle took place during the Pyrrhic war. The Romans army was 40,000 strong and their enemies 70,000 strong as well as having 19 elephants.Elepants had caused lots of damage in the previous battles. The Romans created an anti-elephant machine that saved many lives. The Romans had 6000 casualties and the pyrrhic 35000. The result was a stalemate, some historians believe that the Romans won while others thought the pyrrhic won.
  • 275 BCE

    The Battle of Beneventum

    The Battle of Beneventum is the last battle of the Pyrrhic war this battle was fought in Beneventum in Italy. The Romans won the battle which resulted in them controlling the Pyrrhic( Greece).
  • 216 BCE

    The Battle of Cannae

    This was a major battle of the Second Punic War that took place on 2 August 216 BC in Apulia, in southeast Italy. The army of Carthage, under Hannibal, surrounded and decisively defeated a larger army of the Roman Republic.
  • 146 BCE

    The Battle of Corinth

    The battle of Corinth was fought between the Roman Republic and the Greek city-state of Corinth and its allies in the Achaean League. It resulted in the complete and total destruction of Corinth. This battle marked the beginning of the period of Roman domination in Greek history.
  • 105 BCE

    The Battle of Arausio

    The Battle of Arausio took place on october 6th 106 BC.At arausio on the phone river near France against the cimbri and teutones the Romans lost the battle. Before the battle the Romans two senior highly decorated army veterans did not take charge and there was an estimated 120,000 deaths including camp follower. The enemy had 15,000 deaths.
  • 101 BCE

    The Battle of Vercellae

    The Battle of Vercellae was a Roman victory over celto germanic tribe of crimbi in northern italy vercellae the cimbi repeatedly invaded Rome this time crimbi went all in and brought in estimate 220,000 trops but it was no match for the strong Rome force which reportedly killed 160,000 troops and captured 60,000 soldiers.
  • 49 BCE

    The Great Roman Civil War again had no space

    for long periods and neglecting the people in Rome. The senate made Julius Caesar an enemy of the state. Julius Caesar sent his veteran army to Rome. It was a five year long struggle and Julius Caesar and his supporters won. Rome became a dictatorship ruled by Empire Julius Caesar.
  • 49 BCE

    The Great Roman Civil War

    The Great Roman Civil War , also known as the Caesar civil war was a battle between the republic of Rome and Julius Caesar, his army and supporters. It started when Julius Caesar was fighting in Gaul, the Roman senate was not happy that Julius Caesar for being away
  • 60

    The Battle of Watling Street

    took place in Roman Britain in AD 60 or 61 AD between an alliance of indigenous British and the Romans. the Romans were heavily outnumbered but they manage to pull through and it was decisive victory and the Roman rule was secured.
  • 86

    Domitian's Dacian War

    Domitian's Dacian war took place Moesia, Dacia the Roman Empire was up against the Dacian Kingdom. The Dacian kingdom attacked Roman soldiers and Defeated a short battle.
  • 105

    The Second Roman–Dacian War

    The Second Roman–Dacian War took place in dacia when the Dacian king broke peace with the Roman Empire.the Roman Empire defeated Dacian and took control%10-%20 of their land, and made it part of the Roman Empire.
  • 107

    The Battle of Lugdunum

    The Battle of Lugdunum was fought in Lugdunum or modern day Lyon France it was a battle between the Roman Empire and the Severan the battle is said to be the most brutal and bloodiest battle that the Roman Empire had fought and the numbers involved were between 150,000 and 300,000 at the end the Roman surrendered.
  • 243

    The Battle of Resaena

    The Battle of Selena was fought in modern day turkey between the Roman and the Sassanid Empire the Roman were victorious securing most of Turkey.
  • 251

    The Battle of Abritus

    The Battle of Abritus was between the Gothics and the Roman Empire the Romans were decisively defeated and lost their emperor Decius and his son Herennius Etruscus ,were were both killed in battle. Decius became the first Roman emperor killed in a battle by a foreign enemy.
  • 257

    The Battle of Strasbourg

    The Battle of Strasbourg was between the Roman Empire and the Alamanni
    Near Strasbourg modern day France although outnumber by 10,000 troops they managed to win,only losing 234 troops.
  • 468

    The Battle of Cap Bon

    The Battle of Cap Bon was between the Roman Empire and Vandal. The Romans were on a sailing expedition around Europe were they came across the Vandal kingdom. While attempting to land near Carthage at Cap Bon, the Roman fleet was thrown into disorder by a Vandal fireship attack. The Vandal fleet sunk over 100 Roman ships. Some 10,000 Roman soldiers and sailors died in the battle. The Roman expedition was a failure.