
Ancient Rome!

  • 753 BCE

    The start of the Roman Empire B.C

    The start of the Roman Empire B.C
    The Roman Empire started in Rome, but it expanded, conquering half of Europ and lasted 1000 years!
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus and Remus found Rome! B.C

    Romulus and Remus found Rome! B.C
    Romulus decided to kill Remus, and so he turned in to the ruler of Rome. And Roma was ruled with kings for 240 years. Remus died in the month 01 , year 754 B.C. And the name om Rome comes from Romulus
  • 509 BCE

    When Rome became a Republic B.C

    When Rome became a Republic B.C
    In 509 B.C Rome became a republic. Because the king Taruquien The Proud was some one very evil and horrible, and so the pepole reveled! And the sante ruled over and that formed a republic. And it goes from 509 B.C to 275 B.C.
  • 218 BCE

    Anibal invades Itali and Cartago forms part of the segond Punic war B.C

    Anibal invades Itali and Cartago forms part of the segond Punic war B.C
    Anibal with in the exercit of Cartago they crosses the Alphs so they coud conquer Rome. In this punic war there was 3 wars inside it, and the Punic war lasted from 262 B.C till 241 B.C
  • 45 BCE

    Julio César turns into the first Dictator in Rome! B.C

    Julio César turns into the first Dictator in Rome! B.C
    Julio César was a politician and a militar! And he was a righter and rote about his battles and all of his soldiers trsted him. His story goes in the year 100 B.C till the 24 B.C. The senate was scared of him since he was so powerfulll and how poupalar he was.
  • 44 BCE

    The Death of Julio César B.C

    The Death of Julio César B.C
    Julio César was assasinated. The man who killed him was his own adopted son. Marco Bruto tough that like this the republic woud com back but the Cevil war started.
  • 27 BCE

    Augustus the new emperor! B.C

    Augustus the new emperor! B.C
    Augustus turned into the new emeror and brought the peace to Rome! And this created a new period in Rome that was called "Pax-Romana" (Roman peace). In this period pepole lived without fear. And they coud de wathever they wanted but they coud NOT breack the law.
  • 64

    The legend of the emperor Neron. B.C.E

    The legend of the emperor Neron. B.C.E
    He was one of the most EVIL and HORRORIFIC emperors that Rome has ever had. One of the things that he did not like AT ALL was that a soilder was better then him. If a soldier was better than him he woud make them comit sucide or he woud kill them with his bear hands. Neron said that the Cristians were the ones that burned the city of Rome.
  • 80

    The Colusium and the Roman arquitecture! B.C.E

    The Colusium and the Roman arquitecture! B.C.E
    The Romans were great arquitectures and engeneers, they build the colusium so 5000 pepole coud go inside, and it was build so the pepole coud see entrataiment like: Gladiators,fighting...etc. The builded aquaducts so they coud transpor water evrywere around the empire. And the grat Trajan baths. And the temple of the Sun.
  • 306

    Contantino turns into emperor! B.C.E

    Contantino turns into emperor! B.C.E
    Constantino was the creator of the church or the Cristianism. He was a hard emeror and ruled with a metal hand. Contantino died the 2 of may in the year 337. And till that day Rome became a cristian city. And 15 years later Rome was devided in 2 empires.
  • 410

    The Visigods loot Rome. B.C.E

    The Visigods loot Rome. B.C.E
    The Vidigods were all brothers. During the looting of Rome they took evrything they had. And assaulted evryone. And they took advantage that the empire was devided in 2, and in the town a lot of pepole died
  • 476

    The end of the Roman Empire! B.C.E

    The end of the Roman Empire! B.C.E
    Rómulo Augusto was the last emperor of occidental Rome. He was born in the 471 in Italy. He marked the start of the new age. And he was defited by Odoacro.