Rome rules

ancient rome

  • 753 BCE

    Romulus founds (starts) rome

    Romulus founds (starts) rome
    Romulus was one of the twins brothers of the son of Mars, the god of war. He and his twin brother Remus were the founders of Greece. Romulus killed his brother Remus, and them Romulus became the ruler of Rome. Romulus then named the city of Rome after himself.
  • 410 BCE

    Visigoths sack Rome

    Visigoths sack Rome
    On august the 24 the Visigoths attack the city of Rome. King Alaric led the Visigoths into attack the Greeks. The city had taken all by itself. They wanted to take over Rome, but Rome defeat them.
  • 395 BCE

    Chirstianity decleared sole religion by Theodosius

    Chirstianity decleared sole religion by Theodosius
    Chirstianity was the devout of Theodosius, and that caused Theodosius to earn his Fame. Chirstianity the took the land that he once had when he died. He became the new emperor after he died.
  • 220 BCE

    hannibal invaded italy

    hannibal invaded italy
    Hannibal was one of the Romanian people and he was considered one of the most greatest military commanders in history. He invaded Italy and he attacked them. He attacked them by elephants.
  • 44 BCE

    Julis Caesar killed

    Julis Caesar killed
    Julis Caesar was powerful and he also was a roman dictator. People thought he was way too powerful, so they wanted to kill him, and when Julis came up to the leaders, they stabbed him, and they murdered him because they thought that if he became more powerful, he would put a end to the Roman Empire.
  • 27 BCE

    Augusts becomes emepror

    Augusts becomes emepror
    Octavian was Augusts real name, and when Marc Anthony was dead, Octavian became the most powerful man in Rome. He was like a lot powerful, and he became ruler and emperor of Rome. He was a good ruler and he experienced a lot of many years of civil war.
  • 1 BCE

    The death of Jesus

    The death of Jesus
    The Romans did not like Jesus, they thought he was a criminal and they wanted to kill him. They wanted to execute him. The Romans had started a new kick started a brand new religion. They arrested him on a charge of treason.
  • 126

    Pantheon constructed by Hadrian

    Pantheon constructed by Hadrian
    The Pantheon is one of the most best buildings in Ancient Rome. For now it has been sitting there for 2,000 years. Hadrian was the emperor at the time when the Pantheon was finished to bulid. The Pantheon is very popular, back then and today also.