Ancient rome

Ancient Rome

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    End of Roman Republic/ start of Roman Empire

    End of Roman Republic/ start of Roman Empire
    Julius Ceasar forced the roman senate to make him the dictator ending the roman republic and starrting the roman empire. while Julius Ceasar was the emporer of rome the senate became anoyed and frusterated with him and decided to plan his assasination. On the ides of march (march 15) 44B.C.E. the senate assasinated Julius Ceasar triggering civil wars to see who would be the next dictator of rome
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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    After the assasination of Julius Ceaser civil wars broke out when those civil wars were done the first triumphrent was made between octavion, Mark Antony and Lepadus. Lepadus was convinsed to retire. after that Octavion and Mark Antony were in a power strugle with eachother after civil wars beetween them Octavon became the victor and the next emperor of rome. Agustus Ceaser laid the foundation for a stable goverment and started years of roman peace called Pax Romana 27B.C.E-180C.E.
  • Period: 100 to 500

    ancient rome timespan

  • 242

    50 years of decline

    50 years of decline
    192C.E.-242C.E. after commodus there were a series of horable empires and the roman empire went into a decline for the next fifty years. the problem the empire was facing was a very weak goverment wich started with weak corrupt rulers. also the size of the empire was so vast that there was no way one person would be able to rule it. another reason is that there army was conprised of mercenary soldiers that werent loyal to the emperor just the money. lastly there were seriouse economic problems.
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    306C.E.-337C.E.Constintine was a very improtant emperor in the eventuall fall of rome.Constintine became emperor as the results of civil wars. the night before his last battle he was nervouse that he would not be able to win, as he was walking outside he saw an image in the sky that looked like a p with an extra long stem with an x going through the stem. Under that symbol he saw the words under this sighn you will conquer.he thought that this could only be the work of the christian god.
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    constintine part 2

    constintine part 2
    After that he vowed to become a christian one day. Sure enough the next day constintine came out of his battle victorius. Constintine was not the only emperor of rome he was co-emperors with Licinius. They eventually found them self in battle for over all control. Constintine came out of the battle the emperor of rome. after that he converted the united empire to christianity.
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    Edict of milah and new capitol

    Edict of milah and new capitol
    313C.E.-330C.E. in 313C.E. constintine past the edict of milah this granted the freedom to worship however you wanted anywere in the empire. even though he past this he highly encourged the worship of christianity throughout the empire. In 330C.E. he decided to move the capitol of rome to a city named constantinople wich was directly named after him constintine
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    400C.E.-476C.E.after the death of constintine rome became very weak and surrounding germanic tribes thought it would be a good time to try and attack western rome. germanic tribes started to attack and the army could not hold the borders and they got to the city. In 410C.E. the visigaths captured and looted parts of western rome. By 455C.E. vandils had left wester rome powerless. And finnaly in 476C.E. the Ostrogoths led the final collapse and the western half of rome had fallen.
  • 476

    End of rome

    End of rome
    476C.E. At this time the entire western half of the roman empire has fallen and now belongs to germanic tribes. The estern half of rome had mannaged to escape the ransacking of the germmanic tribes and has now become an entire different empire . The Byzantine empire. The last capitol of rome constantinople has now be come the capitol of the byzintine empire and rome has officially fallen.
  • Diocletion

    284C.E.-305C.E. Diocletion was one of the last good emperors of the of the roman empire. His goal was to stop the fall of rome. He did that bye making two key decisions. The first decison was to appoint a co-emperor his name was Maximinion. The second decision was to divide the empire into east and west. he was very succesful he doubled the size of the army,improved structures, and took steps to stop the economic decline of the empire. sadly in 305C.E. Diocletion gave up his power.
  • Marcus Auralius/End of Pax Romana

    Marcus Auralius/End of Pax Romana
    161C.E.-180C.E. After Agustus Ceaser the next emperor was Marcus Aruleius. He was considered the last of the five good emperors to rule rome. He spent his time uniting the empire econonomicly and puting down rebelions. his one mishap may have been appointing his son Commodus to be the next emperor after him. After Marcus Arurelius died and his son commodus becomes emperor that was considered the end of pax romana, he started a long line of bad emperors that eventually coused the fall of rome
  • Commodus assasination

    Commodus assasination
    192 C.E. Commodus was cinsidered a horable emperor and started a chain of bad emperors that eventually led to the fall of rome. Hedecided to spend all of the empires money on entertainment like chariot races and gladiator battles. The goverment started to run short on money so he ordered the death of wealthy citizens of rome so they he could take there money. In 192C.E. He was assasinated bye the sentitors of rome sparming civil wars.