

  • 1453

    Comienzo del Antiguo Régimen

    Se desarrolló en Francia al emerger la monarquía francesa de la dinastía Velois
  • Period: 1453 to


    Is the term that de french revolutionaries used to designate the system of governmet prior to the french revolution of 1789-1799
  • Régimen Señorial

    Régimen Señorial
    Sistema de organización económica, social y jurídica. Se define por las relaciones de dependencia entre los habitantes de un territorio y el señor del mismo
  • Absolutismo

    El absolutismo era la forma de gobierno vigente en la mayor parte de europa. Su característica era que el rey concentraba todos los poderes
  • Ilustración

    Movimiento intelectual que defendía el uso de la razón criticando estructuras del antiguo régimen
  • Montesquie

    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enligthment. He wrote the social contract
  • Voltaire

    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enligthment. He wrote "Candide" and the "Philosophical letters"
  • Rousseu

    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enligthment. He wrote the social contract
  • Liberalismo económico

    Liberalismo económico
    Defendía la iniciativa privada. Las personas eran libres de crear su propia empresa, esta mentalidad se extiende rápidamente por Reino Unido
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enligthment. He wrote the "The wealth of nations"
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    He was the first president of EE.UU from 1989 to 1797 and Commander the chief of the revolutionary Continental Army in the Americano War of the independence.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt was a Scottish mechanical engineer, inventor and chemist. The improvements he made to the Newcomen engine gave rise to what is known as the steam engine, which would be fundamental in the development of the first Industrial Revolution, both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    Louis XVI of France was king of France and Navarre between 1774 and 1791, co-prince of Andorra between 1774 and 1793, and king of the French between 1791 and 1792. He was the last monarch before the fall of the monarchy by the French Revolution. as well as the last one who exercised his powers as an absolute monarch
  • Robespierre

    Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, better known as Maximilien Robespierre or Maximilian Robespierre, was a French lawyer, writer, orator and politician nicknamed "the Incorruptible.
  • Period: to

    Primera revolución industrial

  • Napoleón Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte, later known by his royal name Napoleon I, was a French soldier and politician of Italian origin born in Corsica who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    George Stephenson was a British mechanical engineer and civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line using steam locomotives and the first passenger railway line using steam locomotives.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    He was the third president of the EE.UU serving from 1801 to 1809. He is consider one of the founding fathers of the nations. His eminence is given because he was the main author of the Declaration of Independence of the United States
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre Joseph Proudhon
    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a French anarchist philosopher, politician and revolutionary and, along with Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta, one of the fathers of the historical anarchist movement and its first economic trend, mutualism
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was an American politician and lawyer who served as the sixteenth president of the United States of America from March 4, 1861 until his assassination in 1865.
  • Mijail Bakunin

    Mijail Bakunin
    Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin was a Russian political theorist, philosopher, sociologist and anarchist revolutionary. He is one of the best-known thinkers of the first generation of anarchist philosophers.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Karl Heinrich Marx, which from German is translated into Spanish as Carlos Enrique Marx, was a German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, intellectual and communist politician of Jewish origin.
  • Fiedrich Engles

    Fiedrich Engles
    Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, anthropologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary communist and socialist theorist. Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, Engels said of him: "At Marx's side I always played second fiddle.
  • Movimiento obrero

    Movimiento obrero
    Conjunto de iniciativas colectivas llevadas a cabo por los trabajadores asalariados con objetivo de mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman. He developed many devices in fields such as electrical power generation, mass communication, sound recording, and movies.
  • A.I.T

    Las asociaciones obreras crearon la primera asociación internacional de trabajadores que desapareció poco después por los desacuerdos entre el socialismo y el anarquismo
  • Soberanía nacional

    Soberanía nacional
    El principio de cualquier soberanía reside en el poder de la nación ningún cuerpo ni ningún individuo puede ejercer la autoridad que no emane de ella
  • Period: to

    Segunda revolución industrial