Middle east bible prophecy rise fall ancient israel

Ancient Israel Timeline

  • 4004 BCE


    When God brought the universe into existence. Adam and Eve were the first human beings and created during Creation. God also created the animals and planets during creation. Creation was important because without creation, there would be no product. (aka, we wouldn't exist.)
  • 2349 BCE

    The Flood

    The Flood
    the Flood was when God was angry at the world and flooded it. He found one righteous man and his name was Noah. God told Noah to build an ark and have two of each animal on board. They were on the ark for 40 days and 40 nights, without Noah we wouldn't exist.
  • 2166 BCE


    Abraham was a man of God. Abraham had a son named Issac, who was going to be sacrificed. Abraham was important because he was spoken to by God. He would also have as many descendants as the stars.
  • 1728 BCE


    Joseph was a guy whose brothers sold him into slavery. He interprets Pharaoh's dream and becomes second in command. Joseph was important because the parting of the Red (Reed) Sea wouldn't have happened without his descendants. He also saved Egypt and everyone else from seven years of famine.
  • 1446 BCE

    Moses and the Exodus

    Moses and the Exodus
    Moses was supposed to be killed so his mom put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile. When he got older he told Pharaoh to let his people (Hebrews) go! The people were slave so pharaoh said no. God sent ten plagues on the Egyptians. Then when the pharaoh eventually let them go, Moses parted the water of the Red (Reed) Sea. The people left and Pharaoh changed his mind, trying to capture the Hebrews. Moses sent the waters crashing down, killing the pursuing Egyptians, saving a nation.
  • 1445 BCE

    The Ten Commandments

    The Ten Commandments
    Moses makes another appearance, with rocks from God. They have the Ten Commandments on them. The ten Commandments are important because they are God's laws. They also have an impact on the fundamentals of our country.
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan

    Settling Canaan
    Moses led the Children of Israel to the edge of Canaan and waiting for a 40 year period. After that, Joshua led Israelites through Canaan's borders. This was significant because this was the promised land. If the Isrealites had not settled Canaan, God's promise would not have come true.
  • 1011 BCE


    David was the youngest son of Jesse, and anointed by Samuel. He gained fame by killing Goliath, a giant. David soon became king after Saul died. David was a significant king. Jesus was of the lineage of David.
  • 971 BCE

    Solomon and Building the Temple

    Solomon and Building the Temple
    Solomon was the wisest king to ever live. King Solomon was King David's son. King Solomon built a temple for God out of gold. King Solomon was significant because he built the first ever temple in Jerusalem.
  • 931 BCE

    The Division of the Kingdom

    The Division of the Kingdom
    According to the bible, when Solomon's son Rehoboam became king, the United Monarchy would have split into two separate kingdoms. The Kingdom of Israel in the north, with the cities of Shechem and Samaria. There was also the Kingdom of Judah in the south, led by Jeroboam, with the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. This was significant because only one of the kingdoms stayed true to God.
  • 722 BCE

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel
    Assyria came out of the north, captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and took the ten tribes into captivity. From there they became lost to history. This was significant because it brought Israel to other parts of the region. It also gave Israel a reason to return and build a temple.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah

    Sennacherib vs. Hezekiah
    Sennacherib wanted a huge tribute from Hezekiah. Hezekiah built a water way through the city. They fought and Hezekiah won. The significance of this event was when Hezekiah built the waterway, allowing the city to stay fortified without losing their main water source.
  • 605 BCE


    Daniel was a guy that the king really liked. The king's advisors didn't like Daniel so they convinced them to make a law about praying. Daniel broke that law and was thrown into the lions den. God saved Daniel. The significance of this is how God can save us in dire circumstances.
    the king also threw his advisors in the lions den and had the people worship God.
  • 586 BCE

    The Exile

    The Exile
    The Babylonians took Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, they burned down the rest of the city. This was probably pretty devastating. It is significant because this is when everyone was sent to Babylon. It was also the beginning of Babylonian captivity and Jewish Diaspora.
  • 586 BCE

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah
    The Babylonians conquered Judah and forced them to live in Babylon. There was a huge tribute that needed to be paid by Judean King Jehoiakim. Without the conquest of Judah, my buddy Cyrus wouldn't be able to let them go.
  • 538 BCE

    Cyrus the Great

    Cyrus the Great
    Cyrus the Great ended Exile when he conquered Babylon in 539 BC. He allowed the Jews to return to Judea, Judea was the former Southern Kingdom of Judah. Cyrus the Great was significant because he allowed the Jews to return to their homeland.