2000 BCE
God's Convenant with Abraham
To make Abraham father of many nations and of many descendants and give the whole land of Canaan. -
1940 BCE
Abraham sent to sacrifice Isaac
Abraham tied Isaac and put him on the altar. -
1460 BCE
Exodus from Egypt
Exodus is the founding or etiological myth of Israel. -
1040 BCE
David found Jerusalem
Jerusalem is an ancient city in ancient Judah that is now the capital of Israel. It was during the bronze age. -
970 BCE
Solomon becomes king
Solomon was the third and last king in the ancient united kingdom of Israel. -
722 BCE
Assyrians Conquer Northern Kingdom of Israel
Several thousand Israelites of Ancient Samaria were resettled by Assyrians -
586 BCE
Nebuchadnezzer conquers Judah
Nebuchadnezzar conquers and invaded Judah. -
539 BCE
Cyrus conquers babylon
only a few thousands of Jews returned from Israel because of the exile. -
Roman captures Jerusalem
The Romans destroyed the second temple. -
Revolt of Macccabees
Under the rule of Antiochus the temple had been defiled.