Ancient Greece Timeline

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    The Parthenon

    The Parthenon
    The Parthenon is regarded as the greatest achievement of Greek architecture. The Parthenon was entirely made of Pentelic Marble, a white marble that was brought from Mount Pentelicus 11 miles (18 kilometres) from Athens.
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    Hippocrates' fame probably resulted from about 80 anonymously written medical works that became part of the collection of the Library of Alexandria after about 200 B.C. Those writings became linked with Hippocrates and are known by scholars as the Hippocratic corpus.
  • Jan 1, 776

    Olympic Games

    Olympic Games
    Olympic Games are the most important international athletic competition in the world. The first ever Olympics were held in ancient Greece
  • Jan 1, 1194

    Trojan War

    The Trojan War was a conflict in which ancient Greece defeated the city of Troy. The Trojan War started in 1194BC to 1184BC.
  • Archimedes

    Archimedes was the most famous Greek inventor, many of his inventions are still used today. One invention was a mechanical device known as Archimedes screw. Archimedes was born in 287BC and died in 212BC which means he was 75 years old when he died.