Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

    First Olympic Games
    The first Olympics took place. They then took place every 4 years honoring Zues the king of the gods.
  • 760 BCE

    The Iliad and the Odyssey

    The Iliad and the Odyssey
    Homer writes the most famous epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  • 490 BCE

    Greek and Persian Wars

    Greek and Persian Wars
    Two major battles take place the Battle of Marathon and the Battle of Salamis. Greece winning both and the Persians retreat.
  • 468 BCE

    Sophocles and Theater

    Sophocles and Theater
    Sophocles started writing plays for the people, they started getting famous in theaters and soon Sophocles became a huge part of Greece history.
  • 432 BCE

    The Parthenon

    The Parthenon
    Greeks finished their shrine to the goddess of beauty, Athena, now the most famous building in Greece.
  • 431 BCE

    The Peleponisian Wars

    The Peleponisian Wars
    This is the biggest war is Ancient Greece history. The biggest battle between Athens and Sparta the 2 biggest city states have a war. Sparta eventually conquers Athens.
  • 386 BCE


    Socrates's student opened the first public school called the "Academy"
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander the Great King

    Alexander the Great King
    Alexander the Great a 20 year old man becomes king when his father perishes in battle.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander Conquers Egypt

    Alexander Conquers Egypt
    In the Persian War, Alexander conquers Egypt and names a capital Alexander of Egypt.
  • 146 BCE

    Roman Conquers

    Roman Conquers
    Roman conquers Greece and made it part of the Roman Empire.