776 BCE
First Olympic Games
The first Olympics took place. They then took place every 4 years honoring Zues the king of the gods. -
760 BCE
The Iliad and the Odyssey
Homer writes the most famous epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. -
490 BCE
Greek and Persian Wars
Two major battles take place the Battle of Marathon and the Battle of Salamis. Greece winning both and the Persians retreat. -
468 BCE
Sophocles and Theater
Sophocles started writing plays for the people, they started getting famous in theaters and soon Sophocles became a huge part of Greece history. -
432 BCE
The Parthenon
Greeks finished their shrine to the goddess of beauty, Athena, now the most famous building in Greece. -
431 BCE
The Peleponisian Wars
This is the biggest war is Ancient Greece history. The biggest battle between Athens and Sparta the 2 biggest city states have a war. Sparta eventually conquers Athens. -
386 BCE
Socrates's student opened the first public school called the "Academy" -
336 BCE
Alexander the Great King
Alexander the Great a 20 year old man becomes king when his father perishes in battle. -
332 BCE
Alexander Conquers Egypt
In the Persian War, Alexander conquers Egypt and names a capital Alexander of Egypt. -
146 BCE
Roman Conquers
Roman conquers Greece and made it part of the Roman Empire.