Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    The first Olympic Games!!

    The first Olympic Games!!
    For the Olympics to happen a truce was made, the games were based on skills in war.The Olympics were originally a festival for the god Zeus.The prize was a crown of olive leaves and honor.Some of the original games were javeln,discus throw,long jump,pentathalon,wrestling, and footraces.
  • 495 BCE


    Pericles was one of the leading citizens in the Golden Age. He was realized as general every year and he soon emerged as the ruler of Athens. Pericles was well known for his had work and dedication. Pericles lead armies to victorious campaigns, helped keep members of the Delian League together, and supervised the establishment of colonies in Athens. He also built a wall around Athens to protect them from extruders. He also strengthened their democracy and convinced people to pay for citizens.
  • 490 BCE

    The battle of Salamis

    The battle of Salamis
    One of the battles against the Persians was the battle of Salamis. This battle was against the Athenians and the Persians. The Athenians were outnumbered army wise but they were smarter with the water. So they decided to lure the Persians into the shallow water.Then when they were stuck the Greeks rammed and sank the Persians. The Greeks filled their boats with soldiers and attacked the Persians on board. The Athenians were victorious.
  • 490 BCE

    The battle of Marathon

    The battle of Marathon
    This battle was between the Athenians and the Persians. They met 26 miles from Athens and even though they were outnumbered the still battled. The Greek charge was successful and they chased the Persians to their ships. The Greeks cut them down as they ran. By the end of the Battle more than 6,000 Persians were dead and 192 Athenians were dead. Legend has it that they sent a Athenian man to tell the Athenians the news but he died from exhaustion.
  • 480 BCE

    The Golden Age of Athens

    The Golden Age of Athens
    During the Golden Age Architect was at its highest point Architects designed columns, there was Drama and statues were built. Pericles built a building called Parathenon. This building was for praising the goddess Athena. In Athens the theater was called Dionysus. Like Greek drama it started out as a religious ceremony.In this case it was a festival for the greek god of wine. The best playwrights were given prizes and people would share there plays on stage.
  • 480 BCE

    The battle of Thermopylae

    The battle of Thermopylae
    The Persian king Xerxes was determined to defeat the Greeks. The Greeks decided that they wanted to try to hold off the Persians from attacking them. They thought that they could hold them off if they could only attack at one spot. Things did not go as planned the Spartans stayed and defended the Greeks for two days in the end all 30 of the Spartans died defending the pass.
  • 469 BCE


    Socrates was one of the most famous Greek philosophers in his time. Everything we know about Socrates comes from his pupil plato. Socrates was not interested in questions about what the world came he was one of the first philosophers to use Ethics. instead of just sitting in his room writing he went into the market and talked with other Athenians. During his discssions hatred to examine their lives and he wanted them to realize that they were not always living by the mortal values.
  • 430 BCE

    The Peloponnesion war

    The Peloponnesion war
    This battle was between Sparta and Athens. Pericles the leader of Athens knew that the Spartan army was more powerful than the Athenian army.He came up with a stategy and that was that the Spartans probably wanted a quick victory. So he would refuse to meet the spartans and they would try to fight over the walls.The second year the athenians refused to get out of the wall this time however a plague swept through Athens killing them in the end the Spartans were victorious.
  • 399 BCE

    The death of socrates

    The death of socrates
    Socrates was convicted and sentenced to death after trying to defend himself. When in prison awaiting his death some friends came asking if they could help him escape,he refused and rejected their help. He would face death because it was the right thing to do. He died drinking hemlock a type of poison. Plato says he conversed with his friends while dying but in real life, he died much more gruesome. Hemlock causes numbness, chocking, bad speech, convulsions, and vomiting.
  • 336

    King Alexander the Great becomes king

    King Alexander the Great becomes king
    King Alexander the Great was 20 years old when he became king he wanted to conquer land from his enemies the Persians.This would hard because the Persians land took up modern day Iran, Afganistan,Turkey, the Middle East, and Egypt. At the time he had a small army and no navy.His plan was to gain a couple quick victories then the people would follow him. Alexander and his army took over almost all of the known world.