776 BCE
The olympic games
ceremonie to honor zeus first game was the footrace -
500 BCE
most city-states have governments like tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, and democracy -
499 BCE
rebellion off miletus
other city states helped Miletus to win -
490 BCE
crossing the aegean sea
the Persians were crossed the Aegean sea to punish athenians -
485 BCE
last of the playwrights,produced around 8 to 90 plays -
479 BCE
Golden age
75 year long age started at the end of the Peloponnesian war -
474 BCE
sponsored by pericles and wrote a trilogy. -
460 BCE
famous doctor known as the father of medicine -
449 BCE
He suggested Athens rebuild the temples in the arcopolis -
447 BCE
The parthenon
Built under leader ship of pericles and is a temple to althea