Alexander the Great of Macedonioa defeats the Persian Empire and spreads Greek Cuture throughout the region(331bce)
Alexander the Great, started the war against Persian in 334 BCE. He was iportant because he ended up leading the largest empire in the ancient world. -
Hippocrates practises and studies medicine. (400bce)
Hippocrates conducted experiments and collected data to prove that desease was indeed caused naturaly and it was not supernatural or magic. This is important because without hippocrate proving desease occur naturally people could have been thinking that desease is magic and not treat them the right way. -
Sparta defeats Athens; the Peloponnesian War ends. (404bce)
In the end this war crushed Athens. Athens ending up sort of surenduring and Sparta won. This war was very important because it ruined Athens. -
The Peloponnesian War begins between Sparta and Athens (431 bce)
This war was with Sparta and Athens. The war started in Athens and sparta and travelled throughout greece. -
Pericles leads the Athenian government. (460 to 429 BCE)
A coucil of 500 is chosen by lottery from among all male citizens over the age of 30: they serve as the decision makers for a term of one year. The assembly of all greek citizens meet 40 times a year to approve or reject the decicsionns of the Assembly of 500.
Though the fact that the 500 males were chosen by lottery this event does have democracy in it when the male citizens come to get a say and reject or approve the decisions the council makes. -
Cleithenes establishes the first democratic constitution. Free speech and political involvement is extended to all Greek citizens. (505 BCE)
Cleisthenes was known as "the father of democracy". When Cleisthenes did that he started the birth of democracy. He got people invovled in government and limited the governments power. He alloud people to have a say in how there government is ruled. -
Jan 1, 621
Athens develope a written code of laws. (621 BCE)
This event is important because the code of laws allows the citizens to see what rules they must follow. This is important to democracy because today people follow not those same laws but they do follow laws that their government creates. -
Jan 1, 650
Tyrants rule some Greek city-states as a result of the poorer classes' discontent.
In 650 BCE there mulitiple city-states ruled by Tyrants. This event is important to democracy because it alloud the citizens to experience what a tyrany was like and once they got over the tyrany pieriod they wanted to change the way they got there leaders. -
Jan 1, 776
The first Olympic Games take place. (776 BCE)
They where dedicated to the gods and was staged in Olympia. Women were not aloud to watch the games and only greek naionals could participate. The Olympic games waere important because the olympics are still celebrated today. Without the starting of them there would not be so many perfessional atheletes. -
The persians are defeated by Greeks in the battle of Marathon. (490 bce)
This battle started just north of athens. The persions mission was to crush the greek states. This battle was important because it was one of the most earliest recorded battles. -
Plato opens an academy of learning in Athens, (380bce)
Plato was a philosopher and a mathemtician. This was important becasue it gave athenians the option to learn. -
Solon becomes sole ruler in Athens and makes reforms to government. ( 584 to 559 BCE)
The poorer classes are included in making government decisions throught an elected council, and many people are freed from slavery due to debts.
This is important to democracy because it started the fact that almost everyone is included in making descisions for the place that they live in. The poorer classes had the oppertunity to give their opinion to the leader and say how they felt. In modern day people can do that and give their input. -
Sparta develops the first code of Greek written law to govern its military city-state (800 BCE)
When sparta created there written law they started the begining of law. The law controls people on rules they must follow and things they must not do. Today there is still a written law, that must go through a long process to become an official law.