Ancient Egyptian Culture

  • 6000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptian Culture

    Ancient Egyptian Culture
  • 3150 BCE

    Predynastic Period

    Predynastic Period
    The Early Neolithic and beginning of the monarchy this lasted from 5000-3100 B.C, artifacts have been found which proved over 2,000 years of gradual development and Egyptian civilization
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 2686 BCE

    Archaic Early Dynasty

    This included the first and second dynasties, it was the development of writing, arts,sciences and the Pharaoh was not yet used at this time.
  • Period: 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Was famous for the time many pyramids were built, The first pharaoh arose in the 3rd Dynasty he was called Djoser who wanted his tomb to be the most significance, the Great Pyramid of Giza was in construction built for Pharaoh Khufu. This was a time when Pharaohs provided a strong and stable government, but the kings wealth depleted over time through building Pyramids.
  • Period: 2181 BCE to 2055 BCE

    First Intermediate Period

    During this time conflict emerged from two kingdoms, middle Egypt Memphis and Thebes there was a line of 17 rulers during the dynasties 9-10 and the Theban prince Mentuhotep reunited Egypt by toppling Heraclepolis and beginning the 11th century.
  • Period: 2055 BCE to 1786 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    after the last ruler of the 11th dynasty Mentuhotep was assassinated and passed down to Amenemhet the 12th dynasty and a new capital was established and Egypt flourished again.
    Eygpt was colonized by foreign policy and they did it with rich supply such as: gold, ebony,ivory. The first female ruler of Egypt was Queen Sobekneferu.
  • Period: 1786 BCE to 1567 BCE

    Second Intermediate

    13th dynsasty began and was considered the unsettled period, Kings failed to consolidate power . Conflict began with two groups the Theben and Hyksos they launched war and the Thebans ran the Hyksos around Egypt
  • Period: 1567 BCE to 1085 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Ahmose was the first king in the 18th dynasty Egypt was then once reunited and during this time Egypt restored its control over Nubia and began military change, campaigns in Palestine military change . It began the first great empire from Nubia to the Euphrates was a time during the Royal women, Queen Hatshepsut who had a step son named Thutmose III, Egypt's who wielded the powers of a pharaoh
  • Period: 1085 BCE to 664 BCE

    Third Intermediate Period

    Politics, structures, and societies a centralized government was established was under the 21st dynasty Pharaohs resurgence of local officials foreigners from Libya and Nubia leaving an imprint on Egypt's population.
    The 21-26th dynasties were during this era