
Ancient Egyptian Chronology of Pharoahs and Queens

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    Queen Cleopatra vii Thea Philopator

    Queen Cleopatra vii Thea Philopator
    Cleopatra Queen Cleopatra vii was the last pharoah of Ancient Egypt. She was born late 69BC and died August the 12th 30BC. Cleopatra was part of the Ptolemaic dynasty in the Hellinistic period. The dynasty was of Greek origin and spoke only that, which is why so many texts and documents such as the Rosetta stone. Cleopatra spoke both languages and proclaimed that she was a reincarnation of the Egyptian goddess Isis. She reigned from 51-30BC. P.s. 69BC doesn't program so I did the lowest setting, 100.
  • Jan 1, 1303

    King Ramesses the 2nd

    King Ramesses the 2nd
    King Ramesses the 2nd King Ramesses the second was sometimes referred to Ramesses the great. He was the third Egyptian pharoah of the nineteenth dynasty. Born 1303, died 1213, this influential figure was often regarded as the most powerful, greatest and most celebrated pharoah of Egypt. The pharoah reigned from 1279BC-1213.
  • Jan 1, 1341

    King Tutankhamen

    King Tutankhamen
    King TutankhamenKing Tutankhamen's rule was 1324-1320 BC, he was an extremely young pharoah and was sometimes referred to as the boy king. He was an 18th dynasty king and inherited the throne at a young age. His reign was short-lived, but he is one of Ancient Egypts icons, partially because of his tomb and his short reign.
  • Jan 1, 1370


    Nefertiti Nefertiti was born in 1370BC and lived to 1330, she was the Great royal wife of the Egyptian pharoah Akhenaten. The pair were the religious revolutionists for the idea of worshipping only one god, Aten.
  • Jan 1, 1380


    Akhenaten extra information Before being re-named Akhenaten, he was called Amenhotep the 4th for five years. Akhenaten lived from 1380BC-1334. He was a pharoah of the eighteenth dynasty and ruled Ancient Egypt for 17 years. He introduced the religious focus on Aten, but after the eighteenth dynasty died out his religious ideals were abolished and in the archivals he was referred to as an enemy.
  • Jan 1, 1411

    King Amenhotep the 3rd

    King Amenhotep the 3rd
    Amenhotep iii extra informationKing Amenhotep was the ninth pharoah of the eighteenth dynasty from 1391-1353BC, born 1411. His reign was remarkably prosperous and was when Ancient Egypt peaked in artistic splendour and political power. Amenhotep iii built extensively at the temple of Karnak including the Luxor temple and built a temple to the ma'at, goddess of order.
  • Jan 1, 1481

    King Thutmose iii

    King Thutmose iii
    Extra information about King Thutmose iii King Thutmose iii was born 1481BC, died March 11 1425BC and was the sixth pharoah of the eighteenth dynasty. He reigned from 1479-1425 but he was only co-regent for the first twenty-two years and in the final two years of his reign he appointed his son as junior regent. He created the largest empire Egypt had ever witnessed, he conducted seventeen campaigns.
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Queen Hatshepsut

    Queen Hatshepsut
    Queen Hatshepsut extra information Queen Hapshepsut was the fifth ruler of the eighteenth dynasty. The pharoah lived between 1508BC-1458. Queen Hatshepsut made some great trade connections, strenghtening the wealth of the dynasty and had the longest reign for an Ancient Egyptian Queen. Sometimes referred to as the first great woman in history. She reigned as queen of Egypt from 1479-1458.
  • King Snefru

    King Snefru
    Extra information about King Snefru King Snefru was the founder of the fourth dynasty in the time of the Old Kingdom. He reigned as pharoah from 2613BC-2589BC. He was a master military manager and lifted the economy through trading routes along the Mediterranean.
  • King Khufu

    King Khufu
    Extra information about King KhufuBecause the date of his birth is unsure but it is known he ascended the throne in his twenties, I have placed his birth twenty-five years before his birth. King Khufu was the son of Sneferu, he ascended to the throne in 2589BC and died in 2566BC. He was the creator of the famous great pyramid of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world, yet ironically, the only statue of King Khufu is a 7.5cm high.
  • The Beginning Of Ancient Egypt

    The Beginning Of Ancient Egypt
    Unfortunately this timeline website does not accept BC so I habe done my timeline in reverse order BC. Each year will begin on January the 1st. Originally, Ancient Egypt was ruled by Gods, Hepaistus (Ptah) was the first, the God of crafftsmen and creation. Following him was Helios (Ra) the sun God, Sosis the air God and several other Gods. After them were the semi-gods then normal people. The time of Ancient Egypt was one of the most important phases in human history.