3100 BCE
Menes Unites Egypt
Upper and Lower Egypt were always discussing, although they both have many things in common they could not get alone. About 5,000 years ago the King Menes ruled Upper Egypt, then they conquered Lower Egypt, the two regions were combined into one country. Their king wanted them to think that his people where one people but they still fight. -
Period: 2575 BCE to 2130 BCE
Old Kingdom
The "Old Kingdom" started in 2575 BC and ended in 2150 BC. Over these 400 years in this time Egypt had a strong central goverment and prosperous economy. This period of time is famous because many Pyramids were built. Djoser was the first pharaoh of Egypt. -
Period: 1975 BCE to 1640 BCE
Middle Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom is a period of time during the History of Egypt. It was the second peak period of Ancient Egyptian civilization. During this time all Egypt was united under a single government and pharaoh. -
1700 BCE
Hyksos conquered Egypt
They invaded Egypt during the second intermediate period, around 1700 B.C. they formed the 15th Dynasty and ruled lower Egypt. -
Period: 1520 BCE to 1075 BCE
New kingdom
Some of the most powerful pharaohs ruled in this time such as Rames the second, Thutsome the third etc. Also the "new kingdom" was the golden age of civilization because it was a age of wealth, prosperity ,and power. -
Period: 1508 BCE to 1458 BCE
Reign of Hatshepsut
Hatsheput was born 1508BC and she died 1458BC. Her father was the pharaoh Thutmose she grew up with her sister and two brothers in the great palace of Egypt her brothers and sisters died so she became the only child. Hatsheput had to marie her step brother so she can still be in the royal line pure. She became queen she and her husband Thutmose when he died there was only one boy who would be Thustmose3 but because he was so small she ruled for him. -
Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE
Reign of Tuthmose III
He was born in 1481 BC and died 1425B. He was one of the greatest pharaohs in history because he defeated a lot of Egypts enemies and expanded the Egyptian empire. Growing up he learn the responsibilities and roles of pharaoh. His dad died so he became pharaoh at the age of 2 or 3 years he was to young to rule so his aunt Hatshepsut she became to powerful and took over her self eventually she died and Tuthmose took over he was the sixth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty. -
Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE
Reign of Ramses II
He was born 1303BC and died 1213BC. He is most knowen for the best ruler in Egypt. He was mane after his grandfather Ramses. He got married with two of his main wife Nefertani and Isetnofret. At the age of 22 he was already leading his own battles. He became pharaoh at the age of 25 and he was the third pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty. -
525 BCE
Persians Invade Egypt
Persians conquered Egypt around 525BC and this is the beginning of Achaemenid period in Egypt. It was the time when Egypt was united under Egyptians rulers. -
332 BCE
Greeks Invade Egypt
The late period of Ancient Egyptian history came about to an end in 332 BC, at this time Egypt was conquered by the Greeks. The Greeks formed their own dynasty, this one was called the Ptolemaic Dynasty that ruled for nearly 300 years until 30 BC.