2686 BCE
The old Kingdom
This ends in 2180 BCE -
2650 BCE
first stone pyramid built
first stone pyramid built in Saqqara for Pharaoh Djoser -
2100 BCE
The book of dead started to be used in funerals
people started using the book of dead in the funeral ceremonies -
2055 BCE
The Middle Kingdom
This ends in 1730 BCE -
2050 BCE
sphinx built
The Egyptians decided to experiment with mummifying dead bodies -
1550 BCE
The New Kingdom
This ends in 1069 BCE -
1550 BCE
construction of many royal tombs
construction of many of the royal tombs in valley of the Kings -
1550 BCE
construction of many of the royal tombs
construction of many of the royal tombs in the valley of the Kings -
1479 BCE
a woman becomes pharoah
Hatshepsut, a women becomes Pharaoh -
1332 BCE
Tutankhamen becomes king
Tutankhamen becomes king at the age of 9 and dies ten years later