Tutankhamun falcon1 (retouched)

Ancient Egypt

By Amun-Ra
  • Period: 2950 BCE to 2575 BCE

    Early Dynastic period dynasties I-III

    Egypt starts, the first pharaoh was menes, uniting of upper and lower egypt
  • Period: 2575 BCE to 2150 BCE

    Old Kingdom Dynasties IV-VII

    the fourth dynasty begins and the great pyramids of Giza and sphinx were built.
  • Period: 2150 BCE to 1975 BCE

    First Intermediate Period Dynasties IX-XI

    Egypt splits into two countries. The Old Kingdom ends and the First

    Intermedeiete period begins
  • Period: 1975 BCE to 1640 BCE

    Middle Kingdom Dynasties XI-XIV

    The pharoh mentuhotep II reunites Egypt
  • Period: 1640 BCE to 1520 BCE

    Second Intermediate Period Dynasties XV-XVII

    The Middle Kingdom ends and the Second intermediate Period begins.Some of the dynasties at the end of the middle kingdom lasted a short time.
  • Period: 1520 BCE to 1075 BCE

    New Kingdom Dynasties XVIII-XX

    The New Kingdom is the time of Egypt's greatist prosperity.
  • Period: 1075 BCE to 653 BCE

    Third Intermediate Period Dynasties XXI-XXIV

    Egypt is conqered by the assyrian empire.
  • Period: 653 BCE to 332 BCE

    Late Period Dynasties XXV-XXX

    the people of Egypt restor Egypt. to its former glory.