Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE
shang dnasty
1100 BCE
zhou dynasty begins in china
Period: 551 BCE to 479 BCE
life of concusion
544 BCE
sun tzu the author of the war was born
Period: 221 BCE to 207 BCE
qin dynasty
Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE
han dnasty
105 BCE
invention of paper
Period: 9 to 23 BCE
rein of the emperor wang mang
Period: 141 to 87 BCE
rein of wudi
Period: 202 to 195 BCE
rein of liu bang
Period: 210 to 209 BCE
the terracotta army was buired
Period: 476 to 221 BCE
warning states period
the crossbow is used for the first time in battle
Period: 1250 to 1192 BCE
rein of the empoer wu ding of the shang dnasty
king jie of the xia dnasty dies,ending the dnasty