"Chaos ending"
The "chaos" era ended and thi stime became known as the Warring States period. Brutal and destructive conflict marked period. -
The last Zhou ruler was overthrown -
The "Chaos" era
The "chaos" era from about 475 b.c, to 221 b.c. -
Confucius was born into a poor family. He held several low-level jobs in government. -
Dec 26, 771
Joining Forces
in 771 b.c. a group of nobles jouined with nomadics invaders to try to overthrow the king -
Dec 26, 1050
The Zhou Attacks
Around 1050 b.c. a roup called the Zhou (joh) attacked the Shang kingdom from the west. -
Dec 26, 1500
Around 5000 b.c.,farmers ha settled in a number of villages in this river vallet -
Kingdoms Expanding
Around 1700 b.c.,one of the kindoms of the villages expanded