Period: 8000 BCE to 2205 BCE
Early Chinese settlers build small villages
Early Chinese settlers build small villages and farm along the major rivers including the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. -
2696 BCE
Rule of the legendary Yellow Emperor
Rule of the legendary Yellow Emperor. His wife Leizu invented the process of making silk cloth. -
Period: 2205 BCE to 1575 BCE
learn to make bronze
The Chinese learn how to make bronze. The Xia Dynasty becomes the first dynasty in China. -
Period: 1570 BCE to 1045 BCE
Shang Dynasty
Period: 1045 BCE to 265 BCE
Zhou Dynasty
Period: 222 BCE to 581 BCE
Six Dynasties
Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE
Qin Dynasty
Period: 206 BCE to 220 BCE
Han Dynasty