
ANC and apartheid

By Alouw
  • The National Party wins the election

    The National Party wins the election
    The National Party wins the election
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    prohibited marriges between different races. Eg: a white could not marry a black. If you were in a mixed race relationship, you could be fined, or even thrown in jail for up to 4 months
  • Population Registration Act

    passed in 1950, the population registration act seperated people into classes: white, coloured, black, indian, chinese and malay. The class you were put in was judged on several factors: skin and hair colour, relationships, sophistication, the area you live, nails etc.
  • Natives (Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents) Act

    Otherwise known as the Pass Laws act. This act forced blacks to carry identification on them at all times. these pass books contained all of their personal information: Name, photograph, place of origin (detailed), elmployments, tax records, encounters with police.
    Police could stop anyone and demand to pass a book. It was a criminal offence not to produce one.
    Pass books also restricted the areas they were allow to be. It was a criminal offence to be outside your area, without a permit
  • bantu education act

    Established a policy which gave black a seperate curiculum for education: an education in skills which Dr Hendrik Verwoerd claimed would only be of any use to them. They were educated only in areas of Manual labor, to serve the people in their homeland or under whites in a labouring job (eg: manual labor, factory work, Cleaning.)
    Blacks recieved very little government funding per child, with only 9 rands per child opposed to the 64 rands per white child
  • Reservation of Separate Amenities Act

    "Forced segregation in all public amenities, public buildings, and public transport with the aim of eliminating contact between whites and other races. "Europeans Only" and "Non-Europeans Only" signs were put up. The act stated that facilities provided for different races need not be equal." - From
  • Natives Resettlement act

    Permitted the removal of blacks and coloureds from the ares within and next to Johannesburg, with the aim of removing all the black from Sophiatown to be moved to Soweto.
  • Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act

    Banned black from appealing against forced removals
  • Bantu self government act

    divided Blacks into eight ethnically discreet groups.
    Also contributed to the abolition of black political representation.
  • Extension of University Education Act

    Banned Black students from White univeristies
  • Urban Bantu Councils Act

  • Terrorism Act

    Allowed someone suspected of terrorism or involvement with terrorism to be detained for 60 days without trial. the critera for being suspicious of terrorism was very broadly defined
  • Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act

    A denaturalization law which saw that all blacks would become a citizen of the Bantusan (black homeland) or their ethnic group instead of a citizen of South-Africa. This was enforced ever if people did not live in or have ever been to their ethnic homeland. This act effectively treated blacks like foreigners in their own country
  • 1980 --> Apartheid begins to fail

    protests, defiance acts, rights campaigns begin to be heard. A better educated and more open minded white student class emerges, leading to further change. Apartheid policies begin to permit previously banned policies. for example: The Black Local Authorities act of 1982, giving blacks in urban areas something of local power.
  • Nelson Mandela released from prison

    Nelson Mandela released from prison
    Nelson Mandela was finally released from Victor Verster Prison. there was much rejoicing all around the country, as well as overseas.
  • first democratic election

  • Nelson Mandela's Inauguration