Ana's Hero Project Timeline

  • Subway Story

    Subway Story
    Video about Subway Hero Wesley Autrey
  • Why Courage Matters by John McCain

    Why Courage Matters by John McCain
    Roy Benavides' story about courage in the Vietnam War
  • Kristi Quillen Interview

    We watched Mrs. Simmons interview Ms. Quillen about what it's like to be in the Peace Corps
  • Hero's Journey Assignment

    Hero's Journey Assignment
    We discussed our Hero project and answered questions about heroes in literature
  • Officially Chose my Hero

    Officially Chose my Hero
    After much contemplation, I chose Bethany Hamilton because she was the story that kept coming back to mind. Valentina helped me with making this decision.
  • Started Reading Biography

    Started Reading Biography
    The biography started out a bit slow, but after it got to the part where she was attacked, I couldn't put it down.
  • Change the World Powerpoint

    Change the World Powerpoint
    Worked on the "Change the World" powerpoint with Mason Allen
  • Different Heroes

    My ideas of the definition of a hero were drastically changed over a span of time. There are many different types of heroes, not just the ones with the strongest muscles or the most bravado.
  • How I Chose My Subject Blog Post

    Turned in my blog post about how and why I chose Bethany Hamilton
  • Heroes in Literature Blog Post

    Heroes in Literature Blog Post
    Wrote about my favorite heroes in literature and pop culture
  • First Chapter Monday

    First Chapter Monday
    Shared the part of my book that inspired me
  • Turned in Timetoast!