Ananda Marga

  • 1955

    Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar officially founds Ananda Marga in Jamalpur, Bihar, India.
  • 1966

    The first overseas center of Ananda Marga is established in New York, USA.
  • 1971

    Ananda Marga expands its activities globally, with centers in various countries.
  • 1978

    Controversies and tensions arise as the organization faces allegations of involvement in political activities in India.
  • 1982

    Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar passes away, leading to a transition period in Ananda Marga's leadership.
  • 1987

    Ananda Marga continues to spread its teachings and practices worldwide, focusing on yoga, meditation, and social service.
  • 1990s

    Internal conflicts and legal challenges arise, leading to fragmentation within the Ananda Marga community.
  • 2000s

    Ananda Marga continues its global presence, with centers and followers participating in various social and environmental initiatives.
  • 2010s

    The organization works on rebuilding its image and addressing internal challenges, emphasizing its core principles of spirituality, service, and social welfare.
  • 2024

    Ananda Marga remains active, with centers and practitioners engaged in humanitarian activities, yoga, and meditation programs.