1 CE
The Birling family begin to accuse one another angrily. The family atmosphere has changed completely from the polite scene at the start of the play.
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The Inspector takes charge and makes a dramatic speech about the importance of social responsibility. He leaves.
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Act 1
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The Birling family and Gerald Croft are celebrating Sheilas engagement to Gerald
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Although there are a few signs that not everything Is perfect (Mr Birling Is too anxious to impress Gerald, Eric seems nervous and Sheila mentions that Gerald did not come near her the previous summer) there Is a happy, light-hearted atmosphere.
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Mr Birling makes arrogant speeches telling the other characters his views on science, the Titanic and the relationship between bosses and workers, saying that a man 'has to mind his own business and look after himself
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His speech Is interrupted by the arrival of a police Inspector, named Goole. Inspector Goole is investigating the suicide of a young woman named Eva Smith
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The Inspector shows Mr Birling a photograph of Eva Smith. Mr Birling admits he employed her In his factory but sacked her for 'demanding higher wages'
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Sheila Is shown the photograph and realises that she had Eva Smith sacked from her next job as a shop assistant, because she thought Eva Smith laughed at her.
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The Inspector reveals that Eva Smith changed her name to Daisy Renton. Gerald’s reaction makes it obvious that he also knew the girl.
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The Inspector suggests that many people share responsibIlity for the misery which prompted Eva Smith / Daisy Renton to end her life
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Act 2
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Gerald admits he met Daisy Renton in the spring of the previous year and that she was his mistress.
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Sheila Is hurt and angry, yet she praises Gerald for at least being honest.
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Mrs Birling tries to bully the Inspector and control events.
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While Eric is out of the room, Mrs Birling is forced to admit that Eva / Daisy asked for the help of her charity, but that Mrs Birling refused to help her. She was offended because Eva Smith called herself 'Mrs Birling'
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It is revealed that the girl was pregnant. Mrs Birling lays the blame for the girl’s death on the father of the unborn child.
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At this moment, Eric enters the room again.
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Act 3
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Eric confesses that he got Eva Smith pregnant and that he stole money from his father’s firm to support her
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Eric learns that his mother had refused to help Eva Smith. He blames his mother for Eva’s death.
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Gerald and Mr Birling begin to suspect the Inspector. They gradually prove that the man who called on them was not a real police inspector.
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A telephone call to the Infirmary (hospital) reveals that there has been no recent suicide.
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Eric and Sheila still feel guilty, but the others now shrug off the guilt
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Mr Birling answers the telephone: a young woman has just died and an inspector Is on his way to make enquires.
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The play ends here, leaving the audience wondering who the original inspector was and why history seems to be repeating itself...