
Let Liberty and Freedom Ring

  • My Italian Life

    My Italian Life
    My name is Ambra Gargallo. I am a farm girl from Italy. My life was not that good from when I was born to my late 20s. My father was a farmer when my mother was a banker. We were not that wealthy with the 7 of us living there: my father, my mother, 3 chickens, a goat, and me. Yes, I am an olny child but I wish I wasn't. Since its just me, they passed the farm over to me when I was ready. When I was 16, my mother passed away from cancer. My father died a week later when he went to America.
  • Tough Arrival!

    Tough Arrival!
    Arrival was very tough at Elise Island, leaving all my family and friends back in Italy, but it was worth it. I was finally able to be free and be able to control what I do and not anybody else. I looked around once to all the other people that look very scared and nervous to go back to their country. I was also very scared because I didn't want to go back to my country. "America is very strange," I said to myself. I didn't know where to go, but just ended up following everyone else.
  • Hard Time Ajusting

    Hard Time Ajusting
    After my arrival and passing all the exams, I had to be exported to New Jersey so I can find a place to live. When I got to New Jersey, I was introduced by William Tweed who people later told me was nicknamed Boss Tweed. He told me there was a nice cotttage/house and job openings all around the place that I would be able to get along her fine. Then, he asked me to vote for him which I thought was very strange. How am I ever going to get along in New Jersey?
  • Election Day

    Election Day
    Election day is here but it's not moving as smoothly as I thought it would be. Everyone, even me, found out that Boss Tweed had been rigging the votes and was purposly trying to get the people's money. We then run him and his group called "Tammany Hall," out of town. I didn't want to run him out only because it would be a very tiring thing to do. I ran into a girl who dropped her money. I ran after her and gave her the money. She later introduced herself as May Yeong.
  • My New Life

    My New Life
    I am now an American. I speak American, eat American foods, and live like an American. I am married to my wonderful husband, Ryan (American), and two children, Ariel and Gabe. I have been able to ajust in these harsh conditions, but I feel that something is still wrong. I believe my fellow Americans (excluding Ryan) is not taking any interest in me as a person. I have tried to offer my help to them by working or getting supplies but nothing seems to be working. I guess I will just have forget.
  • The End

    The End
    I am not sure when my last day on earth is going to be, but I wrote this before I did. I wanted to say that I have loved my family from the very begining and always will. My parents arnt here to help me get through this but I know they are supporting me through it all. I want all my fellow people to know that I am one girl that will take on any challenge, even death. I am not going to let fear take over, I am sticking to my instict and will always be an American citizen.