AMS Timeline

  • Early 1900's

    The Americans was introduced to Montessori education
  • Early 1950

    USA: by now there is a growing discontent with traditional education
  • An approach to education

    An approach to education
    Nancy Rambusch has questioning for a better approach to education. This brought her to Paris for the 10th International Montessori Congress. She met Dr. Montessori's son, Mario Montessori, which is Dr. Montessori's successor and head of the Assoiciation Montessori Internationale (AMI). AMI was founded by Dr. Montessori to support The Montessori Movement. Mario asked Nancy to bring the Montessori Method to the U.S through Montessori education.
  • On the move

    Rambusch liked Mario Montessori's idea to bring Montessori to USA, and after a few years Nancy had Montessori classes for her children and for other. This happened in her own apartment in New York City. Therefore, Nancy brought her family to Greenwich, CT.
  • Settling down

    Settling down
    In Greenwich, CT, Nancy started a Montessori school, Whitby School, the first Montessori school in USA. This was a cause from a group of parents wanting to involve with their children's education. The board selected Nancy as head of school.
  • USA: AMI's first representative

    USA: AMI's first representative
    Nancy Rambusch is chosen to serve as the U.S. representative of the AMI
  • ...So the journey begins

    ...So the journey begins
    American Montessori Society (AMS) is founded in September 1960 by Nancy Rambusch. AMS had a clear aim: redefining educational options in the United States. AMS's goals can remind of AMI's goals: to support efforts to create schools, develop teacher education programs, and publicize the value of Montessori education.
  • Period: to

    The work continues..

    Rambusch and AMS worked to advance Montessori education into the American culture. AMS insisted that all teacher educators had to meet up with some criteria: have a college degree, so that the coursework could, potentially, be recognized by state education departments. AMS introduced the curriculum for teachers and offering Montessori coursework in traditional teacher preparation programs.

    The Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE), founded in 1995, is dedicated to improving academic degree and certificate programs for Montessori professional educators who teach and lead in schools at the Infant and Toddler through Secondary II levels and to assure the public of their quality.
  • Duhovka MTEP

    Duhovka MTEP
    Duhovka Montessori Teacher Education Program is founded in 2012, in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • MPPI

    The Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI) was created dissonance between fully-implemented Montessori and newly created regulations and rubrics designed to improve early childhood education. While the goal of bringing high quality education to all children is one that Montessorians share with the broader education community, AMI/USA and AMS formed MPPI to be the unified voice in advocacy and a platform for coordination of public policy efforts.
  • AMS to Norway

    AMS to Norway
    In 2019 Duhovka MTEP (AMS) is now located in Hamar, Norway. And serve teacher education for early childhood and elementary (6-12).
  • AMS Today

    From the beginning in a New York City apartment, the American Montessori Society has grown. Now, AMS is a professional membership organization with thousands of members worldwide. AMS is also an international clearinghouse for all matters Montessori, and a leading advocate for and supporter of Montessori education.