
AMS History Timeline

  • Nancy Rambusch's first introduction to Montessori

    During Rambusch's pursuit of her Master's degree, she was introduced and found her love of the Montessori philosophy.
  • Rambusch attended theTenth International Montessori Congress in Paris

    Rambusch attended theTenth International Montessori Congress in Paris
    In 1953, Rambusch’ went to the Tenth International Montessori Congress and met Mario Montessori, Maria’s son and head Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). With Mario's encouragement, Rambusch began her studies of the Montessori method and began her training to become a Montessori guide.
  • Jubilee article "Learning Made Easy"

    September 1953, the first American article on Montessori education was published by Rambusch. This sparked great interest and began the surge of Montessori in America.
  • Whitby School founded

    Whitby School founded
    Nancy Rambusch founded the Whitby School in Connecticut, the first Montessori school in the United States.
  • Rambusch appointed American representative to AMI

    Rambusch appointed American representative to AMI
  • American Montessori Society (AMS) is founded

    American Montessori Society (AMS) is founded
    Nancy Rambusch founded AMS to support the creation of Montessori schools and teacher training programs and give awareness to the Montessori method.
  • During the early 1960's, AMS began opening teacher training programs across America.

  • Period: to

    AMS growing interest

    American Montessori Society continued to grow and overcome challenges over the years. It has become active in public and private school settings and continues to advocate for the Montessori Method.
  • Time magazine feature

    TIME magazine featured Rambusch, Whitby School, and the American Montessori revival.
    This feature pushed Montessori into the American spotlight and helped to gain interest with parents and educators.
  • "Learning How to Learn" published

    "Learning How to Learn" published
    Rambusch’s book, "Learning How to Learn", helped the Montessori method gain popularity in America.
  • AMI withdraws recognition of AMS as Montessori society

    AMI withdraws recognition of AMS as Montessori society
    Disagreements of teachings and philosophy of the Montessori Method between American Montessori Society(AMS) and the Association of Montessori Internationale (AMI) caused AMI to withdraw its recognition of AMS as a Montessori Society. See Mario Montessori's "A Long Letter to Montessorians in American"
  • Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE) was founded

    Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE) was founded
  • NCMPS launched

    NCMPS launched
    National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS) was launched by the American Montessori Society (AMS)
  • Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI) founded

    Montessori Public Policy Initiative (MPPI) founded
    AMI/USA and AMS formed MPPI in 2013 to unify for advocacy and create a platform for coordination of public policy efforts.
  • NCMPS incorporated independently

    NCMPS incorporated independently