Medical science

AMPM600- Team BAAV- Medical science timeline

By Baav
  • The invention of the Stethoscope

    The invention of the Stethoscope
    Deliverable was to invent a tool that could enable the user to know, understand and diagnose the human body through sound. The tool created, a simple wooden tube, enabled the user to hear the body’s inner pulses, buzzes, hisses & vibrations which could be converted into signs of certain medical conditions.
    This project was self-identified by the inventor & he created at his own pace and funding. The completion of this project was when the inventor created something that was fit for purpose
  • Willem Einthoven invents electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)

    Willem Einthoven invents electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
    Electrocardiography, method of graphic tracing (electrocardiogram; ECG or EKG) of the electric current generated by the heart muscle during a heartbeat. it provides information on the condition and performance of the heart. Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven developed the first electrocardiogram in 1903. The project was unique because it was an invention. The electrocardiogram is of greatest use in diagnosing heart attacks, high blood pressure and thyroid disease.
  • The First implantable pacemaker- Wilson Greatbatch began the project to shrink his original pacemaker invention to a new implantable size unit in 1956.

    The First implantable pacemaker- Wilson Greatbatch began the project to shrink his original pacemaker invention to a new implantable size unit in 1956.
    The project was unique as it was the first implantable human pacemaker. It was temporary as the experiment officially ended with the successful implant into the first human in 1960.The project outcome was the successful surgical procedure on the first patient, a man aged 77, he lived for an additional 18 months.
  • First Human to Human Heart Transplant: The purpose of this transplant surgery was to provide a new heart to a patient with serious coronary problems

    First Human to Human Heart Transplant: The purpose of this transplant surgery was to provide a new heart to a patient with serious coronary problems
    First human to human heart transplant was conducted by South African doctor Christian Bernard at the Groote Schuur hospital for a patient named Louis Washkansky who was suffering from serious heart problems. It is unique since it was the first ever human to human heart transplant in the world. It was planned and was temporary as surgery lasted only a few hours. The outcome was a new working heart for the patient and it paved the way for a number of heart transplant surgeries around the world.
  • Raymond Vahan Damadian invents Magnetic resonance imaging

    Raymond Vahan Damadian invents Magnetic resonance imaging
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method of using magnetic fields and radio waves in order to create an image of the body. Images that are created using MRI technology result from the use of radio waves in conjunction with a magnetic field. Damadian developed MRI for medical use by designing and building a full-body MRI machine in 1977. The project was unique because it was an invention. MRI can be used to evaluate and treat brain injuries shortly after the injuries occur.
  • Eradication of Polio. The project was executed by the GPEI (Global Polio Eradication Initiative). The initiative was established with the sole purpose to eradicate polio from humans.

    Eradication of Polio. The project was executed by the GPEI (Global Polio Eradication Initiative). The initiative was established with the sole purpose to eradicate polio from humans.
    The project was unique as Polio eradication within humans had never been achieved before. It was temporary as the project was achievable but it was hard to predict the end date as it was spread globally and logistics were very complicated. The outcome is no cases of Polio within humans.
  • Dolly,The Sheep: It was a project taken up by a research team at Roslin Institute,Scotland to produce genetically modified livestock by cloning adult cells

    Dolly,The Sheep: It was a  project  taken up by a research team at Roslin Institute,Scotland to produce genetically modified livestock by cloning adult cells
    Somatic or adult cell was first cloned to produce an entire sheep named Dolly by the research team headed by Ian Wilmut at Roslin Institute, Scotland. It was unique as it was the first time an entire mammal was cloned from an adult cell. It was planned as the research team was formed to carry out the cloning and was temporary as it ended with the birth of Dolly. The outcome of the project was the sheep Dolly and it proved normal cells can be used to create exact copy of source animal
  • Open a Cancer Society Centre in Selwyn

    Open a Cancer Society Centre in Selwyn
    The Selwyn District had been identified as a key growth area requiring a Cancer Society presence. There was no current branch in the Selwyn area. A centre was required to address the identified need and to complement the work already being undertaken by Cancer Society volunteers throughout the area. The project involved finding a suitable premise and opening a Selwyn branch. The end date of project was when the centre in Rolleston (Selwyn district) opened.