Amir Reading Timeline

By mamir
  • My First Read

    My First Read
    My first memory of reading is about 35 years old. Every dentist visit my goal was to read the Highlights Magazine front to back before I was called.
  • Eating Breakfast

    Eating Breakfast
    I loved reading so much, I would sit at the table eating breakfast and read the cereal box over and over again
  • Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

    Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou
    In my Jr, High English Class, we would take turns reading out loud. My teacher impressed with the way I used emotion reading, asked me to read the poem Phenomenal Woman at the Black History Program. It was my first time reading in front of more than 20 people. It is still my favorite poem to this day,
  • My First Paying Gig

    My First Paying Gig
    well besides babysitting. As luck would have it, someone in the audience heard me recite the poem and asked if I wanted to host a teen talk show on the radio. Of course, I said yes$, 4.25 in an hour. Sign me up
  • Watching the sun come up

    Watching the sun come up
    As I got older I would start reading a book in the evening and get soo engrossed in the book. I would complete the book by morning with the sunrise
  • Fixing my own car

    Fixing my own car
    Whenever I do not know anything at all, the first thing I do is pick up a book for instructions, including fixing my own car with a manual
  • Another Poem

    Another Poem
    When my Grandfather died, he requested that I read a poem he heard when he was a young adult.
  • My First Business

    My First Business
    The ultimate business owner book is by Michael Gerber, the E-myth Revisited. I checked it out from the Library and then as soon as I completed it, I went right out to buy it. It is the ultimate Handbook and allowed me to have a successful benefit for over a decade.
  • A shared hobby

    A shared hobby
    My niece is just as much an avid reader as I am. Engrossing herself in cereal boxes, reading in the backseat of the car on road trips. It is a bond we share.
  • Hope

    These two books are so full of hope and so eye-opening. I read the first one over 12 years ago and I am currently reading Becoming now. As a Black Woman, I never want the book to end.