
  • Sioux Execution

    Sioux Execution
    This was the largest mass hanging in US history with 38 indians hung. They were hung because the US wanted to take their land for white farmers and industries.
  • Sand Creek

    Sand Creek
    A large ground of about 675 cavalry went into the great plains and killed indians. This started conflicts between the US and the indians in the great plains forever.
  • Raid on Julesburg

    Raid on Julesburg
    The Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho indians lead an attack on Julesburg, Colarado. This was because of the Sand Creek Massacre.
  • Sand Creek #2

    Sand Creek #2
    The leader of the calvalry group brought back trophys of the killed indians. An indian named Red Cloud retaliated.
  • Battle of One-Hundred Slain

    Battle of One-Hundred Slain
    This was one of Red Cloud's wars between the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho Indians against te US army.
  • Battle of Washita River

    Battle of Washita River
    Early in the morning Custer, the leader of the 7th division cavalry lead an attack on the indians on the Washita River. They didn't put up much of a fight and he killed most or all of them.
  • Indian Appropriation Act

    Indian Appropriation Act
    Acts passed by the United States that made it so that if indians interfered with US progression into the west, they would be either killed or sent to reservations.
  • Battle of Big Little Horn

    Battle of Big Little Horn
    A US Lieutenant Colonel, named George Armstrong Custer, led his 7th cavalry division to attack the indian tribes that did not more to the reservations. The indians tricked him into thinking there were very few of them, but they all came out and destroyed Custer's 7th division.
  • Carlisle Indian School

    Carlisle Indian School
    82 indian children were recruited into an american school to learn their ways and for the americans to learn about them and their capabilities.
  • Sitting Bull Surrenders

    Sitting Bull Surrenders
    Sitting Bull, one of the main leaders of the indian attacks, surrendered to the US a couple years after the Battle of Little Bighorn.
  • Land Rush

    Land Rush
    This was when many americans rushed west to claim a piece of the unoccupied land. Since the homestead law which made it so that you could claim 160 acres, many people had a chance of getting land.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    The Plains Indians did these rituals called the Ghost Dance to let out emotional feelings. The US took this as a sign of going to war and ended up attacking them.
  • Sitting Bull Killed

    Sitting Bull Killed
    Indian police went into Sitting Bull's house at 6:00am and wanted to take him away. He didn't want to go quietly and his friends and neighbors came. Somebody fired a shot and the indian police instantly killed Sitting Bull.
  • Chief Big Foot Leaves

    Chief Big Foot Leaves
    Chief Big Foot was an allied friend of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. He assisted in many raids, but eventually lead his people to the reservation. They left their homeland and adapted to an agricultural life on the reservation.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    The newly formed 7th division attacks the Sioux. The men killed 300 people and two thirds of which were children and woman.